When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Happy Friday and congratulations on another successful week together. The kids are in music, so I will take the time to get this updated before heading out into this wonderful sunny weather we are supposed to be having this weekend.

Today was a catch up day. We spent the day working on finishing up several projects we have been working on over the course of several days. We spent a good deal of the morning with our writer's hats on working on a second draft of our memoirs. I think the kids felt very successful today. I am so proud of everyone for trying their best at their writing--especially paying attention to using details, similes, metaphors, and focusing in on their five senses. I can hardly wait to post examples of their final copies.

This afternoon was eye opening for us. We had another great discussion about the issue of global hunger. We learned about several countries where hunger is a huge issue. We also talked about the differences between feeling "stuffed," "starving" and "sated." We talked about what each word feels like. Many students couldn't believe that there are people in the world who have never come close to feeling sated. Our class is now on a mission to help. So---we spent some time brainstorming how we want to approach our Empty Bowls project. For more information on how schools in the past have run this project you may visit their website. I am so proud of everyone for their willingness to make a difference, and for embracing the idea that even one person can change the world. Ask the kids to talk about what we have in our minds for our Empty Bowls Project.

We also put the final touches on our politcal party projects. The big presentation is Monday afternoon. It will be neat to hear the kids "sell" their party to the rest of us. I am definitely seeing some future American presidents and vice presidents in our room.

This weekend there are two things to work on: Read for 20 minutes each day (focus on your mystery book), and complete your rough draft for your memoirs. The kids should be bringing home a sheet about their memoirs in their homework folders. If you have time, think about your Basil project. Don't let it sit until the weekend before! Last but not least--please enjoy your weekend. Play in the yard, kick the leaves, go for one last summer swim. Be proud of all the hard work you put in each day at school because I certainly am.



Unknown said...

Hi This is Rachel. I think the school year is going great! For book clubs I think we should have a fantasy book. So far I think our read aloud book is really good.
see you gus tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I think that catch up time is a really nice time for teachers to give us to catch up on things