When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, Tuesday

What a busy and productive Tuesday we had. One of my favorite parts of the day was math. We had our first small group instruction time. One group worked on even and odd numbers and the other worked on learning math vocabulary with addition and subtraction. The students were very involved and motivated and were so excited to get their first homework assignment in their new math books. The kids were cute--they had time to work on their homework at school, but so many of them wanted to save it so they could bring it home and truly feel like a young adult with homework. Some of the kids chose to bring home the CD version of their math book. This is a remarkable idea by the textbook company--after all these years, the kids no longer have to lug home a heavy backpack full of books. The entire textbook can be viewed on the computer using the CD. I truly think everyone had a smile on their faces during math.

**You should expect the kids to have no more than 15-20 minutes of math work each night.**

We were also able to choose our mystery books to read. Each student chose a book of interest to them that should give them a bit of a push and a challenge. Most of them brought them home tonight to read. They always know if they want to switch to a new book, they are more than welcome. We will be doing a mini unit in class on mysteries, which should be interesting.

We are working so hard in social studies learning about the U.S. Government. Our discussion today reviewing the three branches was great. I think every student volunteered a bit of information at least twice. We talked briefly about the democratic and republican party platforms, because the kids will be creating their own parties and party platforms in class over the next few days. I am eager to see where the kids will take this idea. They never cease to amaze me with their high levels of thinking and creativity!

I added some new pictures to the picture album from outside today. I promise I will try and take some pictures of the kids at work, because they definitely do a lot of it each day:-) Take a look and enjoy!

Homework for tonight:

Read for 20 minutes. Don't forget to record your reading on your reading calendar that came home today. Finish math homework. Complete your Spanish sheet for Seniorita Kim. If you are interested in purchasing books from Scholastic, book orders are due Friday, September 12.

Alright kids--here is the Decision Dollar question I promised.

Mrs. Chang's math group: How can you tell if a number is even or odd?
Mrs. E.'s math group: In your own words, write a definition for the Commutative Property of Addition. Can you give me two number sentences as an example?

Write your answers on a piece of paper and have them on your desk tomorrow morning!

Thanks for all your hard work 4th, 5th and 6th grade learners!

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