When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Update on Upcoming Assignments and Projects

I have several updates for you on upcoming assignments and projects that have been assigned. These should also be in your student's planner.

  • Each month we will be studying the elements of different book genres. September's genre is mystery books. Last week each student chose a mystery book to read. It is at their independent reading level. I am asking that they have these books completed by Friday October 3. Normally the students will also be responsible for turning in some kind of a book report to me at the end of each month. They will be in charge of proposing ideas that challenge them as a reader and writer and book reporter. This month, I have come up with a book report- model which coincides with our read-aloud mystery, BASIL E. FRANKWEILER. This will count for the September book report.
  • The kids and I agreed on reading for a minimum of 140 minutes per week. However and whenever you want to accomplish this is fine with me. Just remember to record how long you read and WHAT you read on your calendar. Encourage your student to work on reading their mystery book during this time.
  • I have also asked the students to complete a project that focuses on our read aloud book, FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER (This is the project that counts as their September book report). The students should have brought home the directions for this project today in their homework folders. The students have been asked to compare the expenditures of Jamie and Claudia's runaway trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art when the book took place in 1968, with what it would cost today in 2008. I sent home a list of items that the students need to research/find the cost of. I have told them that if they cannot find any authentic information from the Internet or encyclopedias, they are to use logical reasoning to come up with a price that makes sense. For an extra credit challenge, they may explore the concept of price inflation and predict what this same trip would cost in 2029. They must fill in the information on a chart similar to the one I sent home today. This project is due October 3 and should be completed at home. If you have any questions let me know. I am here to help!
  • We are also working in class on forming our own political parties. Students will be bringing home the project criteria tomorrow. I am impressed with what I have seen so far. Today the kids brainstormed party slogans, symbols and platforms.
  • Student Council campaigning begins this week. We will choose our classroom representative tomorrow. If students want to make posters they should be done at home. However if you and your student would like any guidance with posters, and speeches I would certainly be willing to help before or after school. I will work with each student to accommodate his/her needs. I am here to help! I will also allow time in class to practice any speeches in front of the class. Just tell me what you need:-)
  • I have had several families ask what additional math can be done at home to supplement what we are doing at school. One great activity is to look at the power up math sheet your student does at school each day. The facts at the top of the paper should take less than 2 minutes to complete (the textbook even suggests one minute). Any facts that are circled indicate problems that would be great to put on flash cards and practice. Addition and subtraction seem to be a breeze for us. It's the multiplication and division that we need more work on. I am confident we will get there:-)
  • Remember, picture day is tomorrow. We will have our pictures taken at 11:00 a.m. Please wear your uniforms.
  • Last but not least--if you would like me to attend any of your extracurricular events (swim meets, football games, dance competitions, etc) bring in your schedule. I would love to see you in action:-)

Whew---that was a lot of information. As always if you have any questions, feel free to give me an email or call. HOMEWORK TONIGHT: memory maps are due tomorrow, read for 20 minutes, finish math homework and study for math test tomorrow on our review unit

Thanks for all your hard work, kiddos. I am so happy that I am your teacher.

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