When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Another week:-)

Hello and happy Monday. Welcome back after two days off. I hope everyone found time to relax and unwind from a busy week at school. First and foremost, here are the results of the Student Council election.

President: Haven J.
Vice President: Mady R.
Parliamentarian: Samantha R.
Historian: Sami C.
Secretary: Carly B.
Treasurer: Emma S.

To those of you who ran for an office--I am SO SO SO SO proud of you. I am proud of the campaigns you ran, the beautiful signs you made, the fun handouts you gave away, and the speeches you presented. Most of all, I am so proud of our gracious winners and our gracious runners up. When the results were announced today, you were respectful and kind and you clapped for everyone. Win, lose or draw, I am so lucky to be able to call myself your teacher. I hope everyone who ran and didn't win will still be a part of our Student Council committees. We need people like YOU to represent our school. Congratulations to everyone.

We chose new book club books today--our October genre is historical fiction. Book clubs will start later this week. Our books are focusing on the end of the Revolutionary War and the early 1800's. We will be studying the same time periods in Social Studies. There are four different books that students selected from. We also finished our mystery read aloud, FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MRS. BASIL E. FRANKWEILER. We really enjoyed this book. Our new read aloud will be THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND--not CADDIE WOODLAWN as originally planned.

Math is going really well this week. We listened to student comments and suggestions and made several adjustments. So far things are running quite smoothly. Everyone is working extremely well, and taking initiative to ask for help when needed. We are still working on multiplication and division skills--some students are working in textbooks, some are working on the computer and some are using various skill builder sheets from Everyday Math. Most of us will be taking a final assessment early next week.

A couple reminders: Reading calendars for September are due Friday, October 3. Students will earn reading points for a completed calendar. New October calendars will come home in Wednesday's folder. We are working on reading 140 minutes per week. For an extra challenge, see if you can add 5 extra minutes of reading a day to bring your total to 175 minutes.

The Basil expense sheet project is due Friday. Excel spreadsheets, typed up charts, or hand written tables are perfect. If you have any last minute questions, come and see me. If you would like me to look over what you have, I will be happy to. Don't wait until the last minute!

Please finish and return all mystery books by Friday, October 3! Those who are ready for their new book club books can have them tomorrow. Be thinking about a book project proposal that you would like to do to present your book. Final projects are due October 31. We will talk more about this in class tomorrow.

Homework tonight: Read for 20, finish Basil and mystery book by Friday.
Music homework from Mrs. H.: In your music journal, please write a paragraph that explains what music is to you. This is due Wednesday.

Have a great night. PS: Do you think the Twins will win the Division title tonight?

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