When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Day of September

Hello. Happy last day of September. Fall is definitely here. It must be getting cold when our class begs to not go outside but silent read instead! How can a teacher refuse?

Tomorrow is the official Student Council signing ceremony. It will take place at 9:15 in the morning. We will just push our NWEA testing schedule to a later start after the assembly. Everyone will have more than enough time to finish, so don't worry.

We started THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND today. We have ordered a classroom set of books so the students can follow along while I am reading aloud.

We are all working hard on final copies of our humorous persuasive stories. Up next: persuasive business letter writing.

We are compiling spelling words in class for our first list next week. We are reviewing words from last year, and using misspelled words from our writing. Everyone will have a different list. A few times a week we will be doing spelling activities in class. We will have tests on Fridays--students will partner up and test each other.

Book clubs will start tomorrow. I have been busy organizing some discussion questions and activity choices for each group. There are three books that the students chose from: MY BROTHER SAM IS DEAD, GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SOCKS, and JOHNNY TREMAIN. Many kids have been begging their teacher to start reading these books RIGHT AWAY. I definitely know how hard it is to wait to read a brand new book! I think we will have fun in our book clubs. I am planning on book clubs meeting 2-3 times a week. If there are any parents who would like to volunteer to lead a book club for the month of October, let me know. Our literacy time is from 1-2:15 each day. Book clubs will run about 30 minutes. Let me know your schedules, and I can work around you! Any help would be appreciated:-) Start thinking about how you want to present your historical fiction (book club) book at the end of October. We will work on brainstorming ideas towards the end of this week.

Many of us are interested in working and contributing to the new FPA school newspaper. Four students will work on the paper in October. Each month, we will rotate so everyone who wants to can be a part of this exciting project. Students from all grades will be participating. If you have any questions about the newspaper and how it will be run, let me know and I will pass them on to Marselienna's mom.

Homework for tonight: Read for 20, Spanish homework sheet due tomorrow, music journal due tomorrow, work on Basil and finish mystery book (both due October 3).


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