When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Thursday!

Our day was an absolute whirlwind. I guess time flies by quickly when you are learning and having fun at the same time. I posted some new pictures in the photo album of the kids hard at work on their memory maps. They are bringing them home tonight to work more on them. The memories that they have shared have all been incredibly touching to hear about.

This afternoon we had a great discussion about our Empty Bowls project. We learned about Myanmar, an eastern, Asian country that was hit in May by a severe tropical storm. Substantial damage was caused, and one million people are still without homes, electricity, food and safe drinking water.

We also compared a typical dinner in the United States to a typical meal in several less fortunate areas of the world including Somalia, parts of Cambodia, parts of Central America, and parts of Russia. The kids' eyes were opened when we made these comparisions. Ask them what they remember, and what they think about our discussion. I am sure they can tell you a lot. We reminded each other that we DO NOT need to feel guilty about what we eat, compared with what the rest of the world eats because WE as a class are going to help spread awareness, and raise funds to help those who are hungry. We are going to take action. We are truly lucky to be where we are, and I believe that each student has that understanding.

Homework tonight: Read for 20 minutes. Work for 30 minutes on your memory map. Finish math homework. Memory maps are due Tuesday, September 16 when you walk in the door. The weather finally turned nice--spend some time outside enjoying it.

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