When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm Back!


I am back. Let me update you on several things:
I got sick with a terrible cold starting Thursday after school. I woke up Friday morning with such a terrible sore throat, that it was impossible for me to talk--it hurt that much! That is why Mrs. Chang was with you...I hope you had a wonderful day with her. I can't wait to hear all about delivering May Baskets. Did you make a thank you card for Tyler and Ben from LOVE 105? This weekend I was still sick--today is pretty much the first day that my voice has any strength. I was up and around, but definitely on vocal rest. Let's hope there is no more laryngitis tomorrow!

I wanted to let you know how much fun I had on our field trip on Thursday. The day was an incredible success. Tyler and Ben both told me how impressed they were with our class, your questions and our school. They said we are all welcome back to the studios anytime. I have several pictures from the day to post. I am going to ask Aaron to help me post the commercial here, so your families can hear it. What was your favorite part of the field trip? Was it seeing the garage, watching DJs doing live shows, meeting people, seeing behind the scenes of a big time radio station, making a commercial for FPA? Leave your responses under the comments section--each person who responds will earn one decision dollar. I might even wear my LOVE 105 shirt tomorrow.

Guess what?? I drove by school today and Mr. Don has our garden all ready for us. The top soil is on, and he even made a wooden frame for us. It looks amazing. Tomorrow afternoon we will be planting and labeling our seeds. Speaking of gardens, I did go to the rain gardens class through the city of Woodbury on Thursday night (yes, I went when I was so sick). We have 500 hundred dollars and a really nice man named Rusty who is at our services to help us design and plant our rain garden. Our goal is to have it completed by Memorial Day.

What did you do this weekend? The weather was gorgeous. I think that Spring is definitely here.
A few reminders--remember to turn in permission slips so that our commercial can be posted on LOVE 105's website. Also remember that theme basket donations (our theme is GO GREEN) are due by May 14th. This Thursday we have the all school assembly and then our all school outside picture. Thursday is a uniform day.

I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from our field trip. I missed you all so much. See you tomorrow. Thank you for being so helpful to Mrs. Chang while I was gone, and for your patience in between my last blog entries. Happy Sunday.


Anonymous said...

watching the radio djs.

Jo said...

I liked making the commercial

Anonymous said...


haven said...

i liked it all!!!!!!!!!!!