When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The home stretch


What beautiful weather we are having. I love it when the sun is out, and it stays lighter much later. I really enjoyed seeing many of you on Saturday at the carnival. Congratulations to Mady and JO for winning the soccer basket and the Italian basket. Thank you to all families for your support and donations--both of which helped make the carnival a success.

We had lots of friends who participated in various activities this weekend:
Alexandra was in ANNIE
Carly had a swim meet
Haven recently got her red/black belt
Mady, Rachel and Emma had soccer games
Marselienna, Haven and Cole had band practice (check out their website)
Haley had a spring dance competition

(If I forgot anyone, email me so I can get you up here. These are what I remembered from our morning meeting today)

We are reviewing for the NWEA test--we are working hard on literary terms. Students should have a packet that comes home each night for them to look over.

We also made a huge list of testing strategies, and I typed them up for each student to take home. They should have them in their back packs

Students should also have a final checklist/rubric for their Greek mythology project. All requirements are listed, along with final due dates and a guideline sheet for MLA bibliographic citations.

Please remember to return spelling lists tomorrow so I can make copies of them and check your five choice words.

There will be no major homework this week so you can focus on getting your Spanish and myth projects done. We will have a spelling test and the US states test on Friday. I will eliminate math homework this week to help with stress levels:-)

Notes about Human Growth and Development went home today. Check backpacks.

Have a great night. Tell your families about our fun cooking project.

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