When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I felt like we had yet ANOTHER productive day. Our discussion about Chinese immigration in the 1840's was incredible and so grown up. I felt like I was leading a high school discussion. I am very excited to start our posters advertising California in the 1840's tomorrow.

Art with Mrs. Lisa was fun. It was fun to shade and tint self portraits. It will be exciting to see the final products displayed all together.

We are really working hard to prepare for NWEA tests. We did some multiple choice spelling assessments, and have been working hard on reviewing literary devices. All students should be bringing home their study packets to go over definitions at least a couple times this week. We continue to review good test taking strategies and how to relax our minds and bodies.

Tomorrow, I will send out a more formal notice--all families are welcome to attend our living myth museum on Tuesday, May 25th from 2:30-3:15 p.m. in the gym. Come and introduce yourselves to our gods and goddesses:-)

Homework: If you have math do not work for more than 15 minutes tonight, work on Spanish and myth projects, practice spelling and map labeling.

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