When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Monday!

We had a great day today. We had a great discussion about how geography can affect a culture--paying particular attention to the ancient Greeks. We also had time to do more research for our living myth museum coming up on May 26. I was able to check in with almost everyone, and it looks like you are well on your way to presenting some fabulous information.

I never had a chance to ask you what you thought of the activity that Erin C. did with you on Friday. Erin did a lesson with the kids about how we present ourselves, and people's initial perceptions of us. The kids had fun filling in different sheets about their classmates.

I hope all of your moms liked their t-shirts. I remember giving one to my mom and she wore it so much, the paint wore off!

Not much new to report from our classroom. Remember to fill in your five spelling words and bring back your spelling sheets tomorrow for me to copy. Your 5 sentences on how geography impacts the Greek culture are due tomorrow.

Heads up...you have a Spanish project due May 21st. If you have questions, remember to ask Ms. Kim tomorrow.

Go-Green theme basket donations are due on Thursday! Thanks for your support.

Have a great night. The weather is great for a walk, or bike ride.

PS. Tyler is stopping in tomorrow!

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