When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Thanks for all your help and hard work today. It made my day back at work so wonderful. I appreciate all of your concerns and well wishes. I am hoping after a good night's sleep, I will be back to my full self tomorrow.

I hope you had fun planting the vegetable garden with Mrs. Chang yesterday. We will have to go out there later this week and do some weeding. I already see weeds popping up. A big thank you to Mr. Don for framing our garden and preparing the top soil for us. I expect many good things to come from the garden this summer.

It was really interesting to compare and contrast our ideas of heroism with the ancient Greek's ideas of heroism. Your group work today with this activity and discussion was AMAZING.

Remember to bring in your donations for our theme basket (GO GREEN) by May 14th. We already have a few fun items. Remind me to show you tomorrow.

Homework: math, Spanish sheet, finish reading myth and then highlighting examples of heroism, and the most important thing--REMEMBER T-SHIRT SIZES! We need them for an activity we will be working on this Thursday. :-)

PS. I told Tyler that we had a thank you card for LOVE 105 and a couple of FPA t-shirts for Ben and him. He is very excited to get them, and I believe he is going to stop in on Monday to say hello to you all.


girliegrl88@hala.com said...

Hey Dudes and Dudettes!

Hows it goin?
I sed Hala!

Anonymous said...

You mite want 2 no that that is a made up e mail adress.

Anonymous said...

Halo BYE bi Halo Bye bi

Anonymous said...


What does Hala even meen?

Anonymous said...

woa, who the heck is that?

i think hala is the shortened version for holler.

Haven said...

Mrs.E I can t wait to see them!!!!!! YAY! (the pplz from love 105) woo!
P.S. I was NOT the person above (the hey dudes, hala!)
sorry :P