When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Making the last 8 weeks count

Hello all,

Sorry for the later post tonight. I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous--perfect for egg hunting, long Sunday walks, and reading a book on the sun porch.

I can't believe all of the things we have to do before the end of the year. During our morning meetings, we will be starting Health. We are using the Great Body Works curriculum and pamphlets. This morning we discussed/reviewed basic first aid including what to do with burns, chemicals in the eye or ingesting poisons. The students were even able to teach me several things. We have lots of great potential babysitters in our room. We will be working on Self Esteem, Drug Awareness, Pathways of the Brain, Emotions, and Personal Hygiene. At the end of May we will be doing a unit on the reproductive system. Before I teach anything I will be sending home detailed letters and will make the curriculum available to any family. Look for a letter in the coming weeks.

Jump Rope for Heart donations were due today. If anyone forgot to bring theirs in, you may still bring it in tomorrow (LAST CHANCE!). Your Jump Rope for Heart posters are up in the gym. They look wonderful--extremely creative. I think the American Heart Association should hire you all to do their advertising.

I will be talking with Ms. Nikki about how we can proceed with our rain garden, as well as starting an organic garden with our terrarium seeds that we can use to provide some of our food for hot lunches. Students--show your parents how to calculate the slope of something--they will be impressed!

Please have all reflection paragraphs finished by Wednesday for the Student Showcase. We will NOT be having any more class time to work on these. All Student Showcase pieces need to be finished by Friday, April 24th. We will have the next two Mondays in class to work on showcase pieces for a total time of 75 in class minutes.

If you did not finish your journal entry for social studies today, please do so.
We will be back to regular math tomorrow--our mini lesson on ratios took a little longer than I thought--but that's okay:-) Some great learning took place.

Have a restful night. See you bright and early tomorrow morning.

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