When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are you ready for a surprise tomorrow at 2:45? Bring tennis shoes!

Homework: 30 minutes of math.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mythical Magic!


Can you believe that tomorrow is already Thursday? Where did the week go? You all have done a great job with your NWEA testing--I have been SO impressed with the amount of growth. Our overall averages have gone up by 10 points!

As promised here are some pictures from yesterday's myth museum. You all looked great. And just think--you have your Halloween costumes all ready to go for next year! Haha. Can you imagine trick or treating in your togas?

We spent today reviewing some social studies terms--especially world geography and geographic features.

Please remind your parents of all of our upcoming events next week. We are still in need of volunteers for our field day. Volunteers are needed on June 4 from 12:15-3:15 p.m. Please check the main lobby for a large poster that has a list of items that we need for field days. All items will be returned.

Let's hope for some warmer weather tomorrow. Please remember to check the weather and dress appropriately--we will be going outside every day.

Thank you all for trying so hard each and every day. There is no homework tonight--enjoy your Wednesday! (This is the benefit of testing week)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi Friends--I had an unexpected family issue this evening. All is well---please look for a post tomorrow.

I am so proud of your myth presentations today! Pictures will be posted tomorrow:-)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I hope you are all having wonderful weekends. If you need any last minute help with your myth projects, feel free to email me.

What are your weekend plans? Let me know the fun things you have been doing. Thank you for being wonderful hosts on Friday to our new friends from SAA. I know they really enjoyed rock painting and eating ice cream with you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Thursday

Gosh--I need to get better about posting earlier in the evening for you all. The weather is so nice--I find myself being outside later and later with each day.


I want to compliment everyone on making it through a week of NWEA reviewing. I have so much confidence in all of you--I know you have learned so much this year, and I know you will do so well on your tests next week. Thank you for sticking with me, and for your willingness to work. Your efforts will certainly pay off.

You should have brought home your permission slips for Boca Chica. I am so excited. I hope I get to go with you and listen to your Spanish conversations. It was fun listening to you all today speak in Spanish with your small groups. It is amazing to see how far you have come--some of you from knowing just a few words and phrases to being able to carry on fluent conversations.

Remember to bring your permission slips back for the Maplewood Nature Center.
I am still looking for volunteers to help with Field Day on June 4th. Please see this week's newsletter for more information.

Put the final touches on your speeches! I can't wait to hear them tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening.

I, for one, can't wait to sleep with the windows open tonight.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Short post tonight. For more of an update, you can read the newsletter in today's Wednesday folder. After all--there is a big American Idol finale that I need to be watching--that way I can keep up with your conversations tomorrow:-) Who do want to win?

We worked really hard today reviewing for NWEA testing--I know you will all do so well:-)

I will try and post a bit more from school tomorrow. Remember that your Spanish projects are due bright and early tomorrow morning.

If the weather is nice we can try and eat lunch outside tomorrow. Today was too hot and too windy.

What are your plans for Memorial Day? I am going to be running in a half marathon this Sunday in Stillwater and then going to a BBQ.

Tonight is a no homework night:-) Enjoy your night off. Go Kris! (he gets my vote tonight on Idol:-) )

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I felt like we had yet ANOTHER productive day. Our discussion about Chinese immigration in the 1840's was incredible and so grown up. I felt like I was leading a high school discussion. I am very excited to start our posters advertising California in the 1840's tomorrow.

Art with Mrs. Lisa was fun. It was fun to shade and tint self portraits. It will be exciting to see the final products displayed all together.

We are really working hard to prepare for NWEA tests. We did some multiple choice spelling assessments, and have been working hard on reviewing literary devices. All students should be bringing home their study packets to go over definitions at least a couple times this week. We continue to review good test taking strategies and how to relax our minds and bodies.

Tomorrow, I will send out a more formal notice--all families are welcome to attend our living myth museum on Tuesday, May 25th from 2:30-3:15 p.m. in the gym. Come and introduce yourselves to our gods and goddesses:-)

Homework: If you have math do not work for more than 15 minutes tonight, work on Spanish and myth projects, practice spelling and map labeling.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The home stretch


What beautiful weather we are having. I love it when the sun is out, and it stays lighter much later. I really enjoyed seeing many of you on Saturday at the carnival. Congratulations to Mady and JO for winning the soccer basket and the Italian basket. Thank you to all families for your support and donations--both of which helped make the carnival a success.

We had lots of friends who participated in various activities this weekend:
Alexandra was in ANNIE
Carly had a swim meet
Haven recently got her red/black belt
Mady, Rachel and Emma had soccer games
Marselienna, Haven and Cole had band practice (check out their website)
Haley had a spring dance competition

(If I forgot anyone, email me so I can get you up here. These are what I remembered from our morning meeting today)

We are reviewing for the NWEA test--we are working hard on literary terms. Students should have a packet that comes home each night for them to look over.

We also made a huge list of testing strategies, and I typed them up for each student to take home. They should have them in their back packs

Students should also have a final checklist/rubric for their Greek mythology project. All requirements are listed, along with final due dates and a guideline sheet for MLA bibliographic citations.

Please remember to return spelling lists tomorrow so I can make copies of them and check your five choice words.

There will be no major homework this week so you can focus on getting your Spanish and myth projects done. We will have a spelling test and the US states test on Friday. I will eliminate math homework this week to help with stress levels:-)

Notes about Human Growth and Development went home today. Check backpacks.

Have a great night. Tell your families about our fun cooking project.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A checklist of things

Alright my friends--a quick post in between an afternoon run with Mrs. Sloot and Mrs. Chang, dinner and a night of season finales on TV:-)

I felt like we had an especially productive day today. We learned so many things. The kids like when I make checklists of things we have to get accomplished in a day, so I thought I would make a quick checklist of things we accomplished in 6.5 hours:

  • learned the relationship between the words, "account, " "accounted for, " and "version"
  • came to understand the Cherokee experience on the Trail of Tears
  • learned about the beginning of the Gold Rush
  • labeled all of the US states on a blank map
  • began to learn about Chinese immigration to California during the 1840's
  • did small group work in math and took an in depth look at angles, formulas of 3D shapes, experimental vs. theoretical probability and geometrical solids
  • learned about Stargirl's feelings for Perry in our read aloud
  • enjoyed a warm afternoon break outside with the 2nd and 3rd graders
  • enjoyed 45 minutes of Spanish and singing "Tengo Verano" with Ms. Kim
Thank you to everyone who donated to our carnival basket. The final basket looks great. Look for it Saturday at the carnival. We can't wait to see you and your families between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. I will be in my room doing tattoos. My husband will also be with me.

Also, don't forget the Wine Gala is May 29th from 7-10 p.m. You may purchase tickets for 15 dollars a piece by sending in the slip from the PTA. You may bring the slips to the front desk.

Homework: Spelling test tomorrow, remember that veggie lasagna is for lunch tomorrow!

"Labeling all the 50 states on a map" test will be next Friday. I will send home practice packets tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

LOVE 105 FPA Shoutout!

Here is our shout out! What do you think????

We got a radio shout out!

Hello all. I just came back from a very windy run outside. I love how it stays light so much later these days. It was so fun to have our radio DJ friend, Tyler come and visit. He was one of the Dj's who gave us the tour of the big three radio stations. He has been a close friend of mine for almost 10 years, and he and his wife live nearby in Woodbury. It was fun to teach Tyler the cup game. He did give us a shout out on the radio. I do have the clip in my email box right now--it sounds great. I am waiting to hear back from him on whether or not I can post it on the website without breaking any copyright rules. I will post it as soon as he gives me the OK--otherwise, I will still play it for you tomorrow in class.

We learned so much today, especially in music. I know it is always interesting when Mrs. E. is the music teacher--see how much your parents know about Baroque music. Ask them if they know what the difference between an oratorio and an opera is.

I wanted to give your families a heads up about a very exciting event happening on May 22. From 12:30-3:30, new families from Saint Andrews will be spending the afternoon with us. We will have visitors in our room, watching our class, the new students will participate in Mix It Up, and we will end the day with a special DQ treat. Your families are invited to attend school with you that afternoon as well to meet and greet new SAA families. We are very excited to welcome them.

Have a great homework free night. You wrote a list in your planner about what you CAN do if you want to work ahead. See you tomorrow!

PS. All GO GREEN basket items are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Windy Tuesday

Another busy day. Our last few weeks together are certainly flying by. We started the day with a little spring excitement. This morning, there was a mysterious, gas-like smell in our building. Xcel Energy and the fire department were out to investigate the smell--they turned off the gas, had us air out the building, and determined that nothing dangerous was present. Xcel will be back tonight when the gas is turned back on.

We had a great discussion about the ancient Greek soap opera, otherwise known as the Trojan War. We had fun going through the events leading up to the war and learning about such famous characters as Helen of Troy, Agamemnon, Achilles, Paris, Odysseus, and King Menalaus.

We had math outside this morning to get some fresh air, while the building was being aired out. It was a fun change of scenery and the warm weather was inspiring.

We are really in need of GO GREEN gift basket donations--all donations are due by Thursday.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the carnival on Saturday for fun, food and good times!

Please take note of the upcoming Wine Gala fundraiser at the end of May. I will send home a date and time reminder in tomorrow's newsletter:-)

Have a great night.

Homework: finish math, Spanish sheet due tomorrow (the crossword puzzle is optional), practice spelling

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Monday!

We had a great day today. We had a great discussion about how geography can affect a culture--paying particular attention to the ancient Greeks. We also had time to do more research for our living myth museum coming up on May 26. I was able to check in with almost everyone, and it looks like you are well on your way to presenting some fabulous information.

I never had a chance to ask you what you thought of the activity that Erin C. did with you on Friday. Erin did a lesson with the kids about how we present ourselves, and people's initial perceptions of us. The kids had fun filling in different sheets about their classmates.

I hope all of your moms liked their t-shirts. I remember giving one to my mom and she wore it so much, the paint wore off!

Not much new to report from our classroom. Remember to fill in your five spelling words and bring back your spelling sheets tomorrow for me to copy. Your 5 sentences on how geography impacts the Greek culture are due tomorrow.

Heads up...you have a Spanish project due May 21st. If you have questions, remember to ask Ms. Kim tomorrow.

Go-Green theme basket donations are due on Thursday! Thanks for your support.

Have a great night. The weather is great for a walk, or bike ride.

PS. Tyler is stopping in tomorrow!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


We had a busy day today. We started the day with a fun all school assembly run by the Student Council. We also had our all school picture taken outside this morning. Math was a little different for us this morning...rather than work on contracts, we split into small groups and spent some time learning how to work through the math investigations at the end of each chapter. It was nice to switch our routine up a bit, and to get the kids working in small collaborative groups.
We spent time making some Mother's Day surprises which are sure to be a hit with our moms. The kids will be bringing them home tomorrow.

In social studies, we talked about what was happening in the rest of the United States during the early-mid 1800's while we are traveling the Oregon Trail. We used the textbooks and learned about nationalism, the Monroe Doctrine and the Trail of Tears. We took notes together and then spent time alone practicing our note taking strategies. We will have a quiz tomorrow on the information we learned--all notes that students took are fair game to use on the quiz:-)

In Spanish, Senorita Kim introduced a project due on May 21st. Ask your student about the details.

Homework tonight: Math, finish note taking, read for 20

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hi Friends,

I hope you are enjoying no homework Wednesday nights. I just got back from a great run around Colby Lake and then my husband and I spent sometime doing some gardening. We were having fun watching the neighbors get everything set up for the Woodbury Days Garage Sale this weekend. Are any of your families having a garage sale? I am looking for a kitchen table and chairs. Let me know if you see any for sale.

We had a busy day. We finished our discussion on Greek heroism--we compared three heroes and their character traits. We also took a reading comprehension quiz on the myths we read.

We are starting a music unit on classical, romantic and baroque music styles. Today we talked about the purpose behind composing a piece of music today vs. 200 years ago. We listened to Beethoven's 5th Symphony, the Hallelujah Chorus and Papageno from Mozart's, "The Magic Flute."

Remember that tomorrow is the all school assembly--do you think we won Boxer this time?? Then we have our all school picture outside. Keep bringing in those carnival basket donations. We have some great items so far.

Can you believe the weekend is getting close? What plans do you have for Mother's Day?
Shhh--don't tell. Tomorrow we will work on a special something for our moms:-) I went shopping and bought all of our supplies. We will have fun.

Have a great night.

If you are looking for something to do--you may work on math, read for 20 minutes and spend time with your families:-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Thanks for all your help and hard work today. It made my day back at work so wonderful. I appreciate all of your concerns and well wishes. I am hoping after a good night's sleep, I will be back to my full self tomorrow.

I hope you had fun planting the vegetable garden with Mrs. Chang yesterday. We will have to go out there later this week and do some weeding. I already see weeds popping up. A big thank you to Mr. Don for framing our garden and preparing the top soil for us. I expect many good things to come from the garden this summer.

It was really interesting to compare and contrast our ideas of heroism with the ancient Greek's ideas of heroism. Your group work today with this activity and discussion was AMAZING.

Remember to bring in your donations for our theme basket (GO GREEN) by May 14th. We already have a few fun items. Remind me to show you tomorrow.

Homework: math, Spanish sheet, finish reading myth and then highlighting examples of heroism, and the most important thing--REMEMBER T-SHIRT SIZES! We need them for an activity we will be working on this Thursday. :-)

PS. I told Tyler that we had a thank you card for LOVE 105 and a couple of FPA t-shirts for Ben and him. He is very excited to get them, and I believe he is going to stop in on Monday to say hello to you all.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Commercial Uploaded

Check it out! Here is our commercial with some fun pictures to look at while you listen. I am sorry for the video-quality--I had to really compress the original video in order for it to fit onto the website. Videos take up quite a bit of space.

A few more things:-)

Here is the link to all photos from our field trip.
I even took a few videos of some of you reading your commercial lines.

Check out our neat Oregon Trail bulletin board.

And here are a few pictures from the Student Showcase last Tuesday.

I'm Back!


I am back. Let me update you on several things:
I got sick with a terrible cold starting Thursday after school. I woke up Friday morning with such a terrible sore throat, that it was impossible for me to talk--it hurt that much! That is why Mrs. Chang was with you...I hope you had a wonderful day with her. I can't wait to hear all about delivering May Baskets. Did you make a thank you card for Tyler and Ben from LOVE 105? This weekend I was still sick--today is pretty much the first day that my voice has any strength. I was up and around, but definitely on vocal rest. Let's hope there is no more laryngitis tomorrow!

I wanted to let you know how much fun I had on our field trip on Thursday. The day was an incredible success. Tyler and Ben both told me how impressed they were with our class, your questions and our school. They said we are all welcome back to the studios anytime. I have several pictures from the day to post. I am going to ask Aaron to help me post the commercial here, so your families can hear it. What was your favorite part of the field trip? Was it seeing the garage, watching DJs doing live shows, meeting people, seeing behind the scenes of a big time radio station, making a commercial for FPA? Leave your responses under the comments section--each person who responds will earn one decision dollar. I might even wear my LOVE 105 shirt tomorrow.

Guess what?? I drove by school today and Mr. Don has our garden all ready for us. The top soil is on, and he even made a wooden frame for us. It looks amazing. Tomorrow afternoon we will be planting and labeling our seeds. Speaking of gardens, I did go to the rain gardens class through the city of Woodbury on Thursday night (yes, I went when I was so sick). We have 500 hundred dollars and a really nice man named Rusty who is at our services to help us design and plant our rain garden. Our goal is to have it completed by Memorial Day.

What did you do this weekend? The weather was gorgeous. I think that Spring is definitely here.
A few reminders--remember to turn in permission slips so that our commercial can be posted on LOVE 105's website. Also remember that theme basket donations (our theme is GO GREEN) are due by May 14th. This Thursday we have the all school assembly and then our all school outside picture. Thursday is a uniform day.

I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from our field trip. I missed you all so much. See you tomorrow. Thank you for being so helpful to Mrs. Chang while I was gone, and for your patience in between my last blog entries. Happy Sunday.