When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Good morning.

I am posting this from school. Last night the teachers had a first aid training class that ended at 9:00. As you can imagine, I was pretty tired when I went home. That's why I didn't post anything last night.

The last few days at school have been extremely busy. We have had so much going on. I know that the kids have been really excited about working on their book trailers. They are looking so cool. Mrs. Sloot and I are working on posting them on the FPA website for everyone to see.

This week new spelling words came home with your student. This week we are focusing on spelling words with double consonants in them, and how we know that stop+ing= stopping. Please remember to practice spelling words each night.

This week we will also be having a couple of guest speakers. As you know we are in the midst of our unit on economics. Ms. Nikki will be coming in today to talk about how to write a business proposal. I am sure she will also be giving us some advice on how to create and operate a successful business. On Friday, Marselienna's family will be coming in to talk with us. Marselienna's family owns and operates Fetcher's in Woodbury.

The big homework assignment for this week is for the students to compile the data from their market surveys into charts and graphs. One graph/chart is due today, and the rest are due on Friday. These charts will be included in their final business proposals.

Final book trailers are due on Thursday, February 12!
Reminder: We have an all school assembly on Thursday at 9:10.

I will send permission slips home in Wednesday folders for ice skating on Friday afternoon.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see our book trailers, they are going to look so cool.