When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


We love to parachute. When the weather gets too cold to work on our world record ice hole, we turn into the world's best parachuters. We love to play "Lifeguard," (one shark underneath the parachute pulls on everyone else's legs--if they go under before the lifeguard can pull them out, they become a new shark), "Fruit Roll Up" (twirl one person at a time in the parachute--how they do not get dizzy is beyond me), and "Popcorn" (see how high and how long we can throw and keep foam balls inside the parachute). Notice how at the end, we had to deal with some major static cling in our hair:-) It's all part of the fun:-)

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Snow

Happy Birthday Haley!

WOW--just when we thought that spring was on the way, the snow sneaked up on us. As I am typing this, the snow is still falling, but not as much as it was earlier today. I hope everyone made it home safely--I know it was rough getting in and out of the Footprints lot with all the snow drifts. It took four teachers to help me get my car out!

All science fair boards can go home. I did grade them all today. Students should get science fair grades by Monday. All boards that are not gone by tomorrow after school will be tossed over the weekend.

We worked hard the past couple of days to prepare for the all school assembly on Thursday. Look for unique ideas, twists and spins on the traditional elements of the program...the 4th-6th graders are so creative!

We had a great discussion about the economic situation of the country. We also read an article about the Great Depression. Four Minnesotans who lived through the Great Depression retold several touching memories about how to survive rough times. Remember--you have homework to do with this article: a basic summary of each person's story (so I can check for comprehension and understanding), a text to self, or text to text connection or reaction for each story, and an ""I wonder question, an "I didn't understand" question, or a question would like to ask each person about their experiences. This is due tomorrow (in your reading response journals).

Don't forget that business plans parts 7-8 are due tomorrow. Your blueprints (dimensions, windows, doors, stairs, appliances and furniture all drawn in) are due MONDAY.

We will have a spelling test tomorrow. Be on the look out for a math quiz on abbreviations (today's power up) early next week.


Homework: Read for 30, spelling, math, business plan, art blueprints
Looking ahead: February reading calendars are due Monday.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A World Record in Our Own Backyard

Check out our world record ice hole diggers. A sure sign that spring is on the way!

Science Fair Pictures

Inside Jokes

Busy night tonight. As I am writing this, I am uploading pictures from the science fair onto the website. I will also post pictures of you guys digging the world record hole!

And by the way---how many decimeters are in a meter? How many centimeters are in one decimeter? How many millimeters are in one centimeter? (Hint: Think of my meter stick drawing--the one that you said looked like a furry stick. Think of my magnifying glass zeroed in on one centimeter (no...not my caramel apple lollipop). FYI--Parents--you will have to ask your kids about this inside joke. It is the result of a pretty funny math mini lesson.

What did you think of the Blueberries art show today? Mrs. Wilkie told me how excited the three year olds were to have you visit and care so much about their art. Should we invite them into our room sometime?

Homework: Read for 30, spelling, math ( I think most everyone finished today's lesson already!!), 7-8 due Friday, art due date changed to MONDAY

Monday, February 23, 2009

Book Trailer Link Posted!

View our fantasy book trailers here! Remember to turn up the sound on your computer when you watch them:-)

Last February Monday!

Tomorrow is the big Science Fair day. I know you have all worked extremely hard and put your best effort into your work like you always do. I can't wait to see all of your projects and different ideas. Remember to check in at the table in the main lobby before taking your science fair project upstairs. Our area is in the hallway across from our lockers, on the bridge. There are name tags on your table. I am so proud of all your hard word--way to go, Scientists!

You will be happy to know that I got a new camera this weekend. I am excited to try it out and take pictures of you with your projects. We will also spend time as a class walking around and viewing all of the other projects.

Take note: Science Fair celebration dinner is tomorrow in the cafeteria from 5:30-7:30 p.m. You may take your science projects home at anytime between Tuesday night and Friday afternoon. Hope to see you all there.

Did you know that Mrs. Sloot posted our book trailers onto the website? The link is on the main page under Current Happenings. I will also post a link to the book trailers on our website. They take a few minutes to download, so be patient when you go to open them.

Take note that the final due date for our business plans is March 3. That way you will have time to make changes to parts 7 and 8 after I look at them. Don't walk out of the room on Friday without me giving you the special paper to print your report on--otherwise, it won't be able to go into the special binding books. On Tuesday, bring in your final product. I would like to have them on display for parent/teacher conferences.

Homework: Read for 30, finish math (I think almost everyone finished their lesson today! Way to go!), finish science fair final touches, practice spelling

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thrilling Thursday

What did you think of our book trailer viewing party today? It was so much fun to finally see your finished products. Mrs. Sloot and I are going to be doing some tag-teaming with grading--you will get a grade for technology and also for literacy.

I am excited for our pizza party tomorrow. Thank you to those families who donated money for pizza. Mrs. Missy said her class is SO excited. They will come eat and play games with us after media.

Are you ready for Mix It Up? That reminds me...I need to research some information for yoga class tomorrow. For the last Mix It Up sessions, what do you hope is offered? If you have any fun suggestions for classes, post them here.

I know you are working hard on your science fair projects. They are due Tuesday morning, but if you want to bring them in earlier you may.

Parts 4 and 6 of your business plans are due Monday, as is your Dream House sloppy copy. We will have time in class tomorrow to work on both.

Keep up with your 30 minutes of reading, and your math contracts. Many of you have already finished them for the week...way to go. You have earned computer time tomorrow:-)

Have a great night. Thank you for being so wonderful.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New time, new place!

Parent Reminder:

The March PTA meeting will be Monday 3/9 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Dunn Bros. on the corner of Woodbury and Commerce Drive. We hope to see you there.
Post your ideas for the all school assembly in the comments section. I need your expertise and creative ideas.

Book Trailers, Role Models and Surprises

Hello, hello.

Today was an extremely productive day. Thank you for one of the best math sessions of the entire year! Your work, effort and productivity absolutely knocked my socks off. I am so proud of you.

Today we also worked through a challenging short story--I thought we had a very grown up discussion about childhood and the important things we remember about it. You are all very wise young adults.

Tomorrow we are going to be watching our book trailers in the library. We will cozy up around the Smart Board with some popcorn and see the results of our hard work. I bet some of you will be producers and editors one day. Remember to invite family members. We will start at 2:30 sharp.

Are you excited about our surprise pizza party with Mrs. Missy's class on Friday? She was excited to hear about our idea. We were thinking that we could all hang out for awhile after we eat lunch...you can play some games with the little ones and read to them. What do you think?
I think that you are wonderful role models for our school--so many of the younger students look up to you and idolize you:-)

Homework tonight: Read for 30, business plan parts 4 and 6 due on Monday (we will have some work time tomorrow in class), math contracts, pizza money if you can ASAP:-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's Tuesday??


Did you notice I posted a new picture of our classroom at the top of our web page? Do you remember what spirit day the picture was from? I am home for a bit...in between a staff meeting and a Footbridge meeting, so I wanted to make sure I had time to post something.

I can't wait to hear your Famous Pairs tomorrow--that game was fun. I am sorry that we didn't have time to share them today, but we will tomorrow so don't worry:-)

I thought that art was really fun--I am really excited to see you design your dream houses and bring them to life. Thank you so much to Mark Sloot for coming in and teaching us about Architecture 101:-)

The cards you made for the children at Saint Jude's were breathtaking. Looking at the powerful words that you wrote to children who are sick gave me goosebumps. I will post some pictures of the cards you made and all of you hard at work later tonight. I left my camera at school (as usual:-))--good thing I have to go back anyway.

This week we will have a week off of spelling. Since we didn't get to it today and we have a shortened week, it is not fair to have you learn your words in three days. Enjoy your break!

Homework: Read for 30, find a map of your South American country (include the capital and surrounding countries), finish your dream house brainstorm, work on your math.

Any suggestions for new brain boosters? Post them here.

Last but not least--thank you for always telling me when you are frustrated or upset with things at school. I hope you know how much I care about and love all of you. Remember I told you that we are like family, and I am so happy to know we have an environment where we can feel comfortable sharing things with each other. Have a great night!!!

Love, Mrs. E.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all my FPA Valentines:-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Short post for the night. Are you excited for our Valentine's Day party tomorrow?
Don't forget your Valentines. Book Trailers are due tomorrow. So are parts 2 and 5 of your business plans. Practice your spelling one more time. We will do a short review before our test tomorrow. If your fantasy books are at home, bring them to school to turn in. We will be starting a new genre soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello all--

Enjoy your week without math homework:-) You have worked hard and deserve a break. However, if you have not finished your contract from last week, you need to have it in by Thursday or else it is a zero. You had the weekend plus four extra days for free:-)

I also wanted to compliment you on a really productive math review on fractions today. You were hard working, great participants and respectful of each other's different learning rates. I will take what you wrote to me in your exit slips and use that information to place you in groups for tomorrow's lessons--that way, your needs will be better met.

I hope that your book trailers are practically finished. Remember they are due on Thursday. Don't worry if you can't get your movie saved in the Book Trailer folder. Some of us were having problems saving it to the server this afternoon. I will do some research and update you tomorrow. I am here tomorrow before and after school for last minute help.

I hope your business plans are going well. Remember to turn in parts 2 and 5 on Thursday. Let me know what questions you have. We won't be working on them in class anymore this week.

Homework: Read for 30, Spanish DEPORTE due tomorrow, spelling chart due tomorrow, book trailers due Thursday, business plan part 2 and 5 due Thursday

Monday, February 9, 2009

Millions of Crayola Parachutes

This made me stop and think. I wanted to share it with you.

"Maybe we should develop a Crayola bomb as our next secret weapon. A happiness weapon. A beauty bomb. And every time a crisis developed, we would launch one. It would explode high in the air - explode softly - and send thousands, millions, of little parachutes into the air. Floating down to earth - boxes of Crayolas. And we wouldn't go cheap, either - not little boxes of eight. Boxes of sixty-four, with the sharpener built right in. With silver and gold and copper, magenta and peach and lime, amber and umber and all the rest. And people would smile and get a little funny look on their faces and cover the world with their imagination." --Robert Fulghum

Magnificent Monday

Today was a busy day! Thank you so much to Mr. Sanislo for coming to visit us today. The presentation that you gave us was so informative. I know that we enjoyed hearing about how you started up your business, and asking you questions about being self employed. Thank you for the folders and business cards.

Thank you to the Von Eschen family for coming in on Friday to speak about Fetcher's. We really enjoyed hearing about the software that you use to keep your business running. We also enjoyed looking through the business plan that you brought in for us.

We are so lucky to have such wonderful families who are willing to come in and share advice and wisdom with us.

Spelling lists should have come home with your student today. We will have a regular spelling test on Thursday since we don't have school on Friday. Spelling words in the nouns and adjectives chart are due on Wednesday--neatly written:-)

Parts 2 and 5 of your business plans are due on Thursday. We worked on them today and will spend an aditional 35-40 minutes on them tomorrow. I will look over your executive summaries tonight and provide some feedback.

Thank you to everyone for your super star behavior and participation today. You worked so hard all day, especially during math, social studies and listening to our guest speaker. I am so proud of you, and appreciate your hard work and positive attitudes more than you know.

If you want to decorate a shoebox instead of a bag for Valentine's Day, bring in your boxes tomorrow! We will be decorating everything tomorrow afternoon.

Have a great night.

Homework: No math tonight unless you didn't finish contracts from last week. Spelling charts due Wednesday, Parts 2 and 5 of your business plans due on Thursday, read for 30 minutes.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Happy Weekend!

Hi Friends:

Remember that your executive summary for your business plan is due tomorrow. They must be typed. Also, if you want to have a Valentine's box instead of a bag, please bring in a shoe box by Tuesday so you have something to decorate. Otherwise, I will provide large brown shopping bags. You can bring in your Valentine's any day this week. Make sure you bring one for everyone. Our Valentine's party will be on Thursday from 2-3:30. We are so lucky to have such wonderful parents who are willing to plan our parties for us.

I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to enjoy the warm weather. I had a lot of fun spending the weekend at my husband's family cabin this weekend.

Ice skating on Friday was so much fun. The weather was perfect. I really enjoyed watching you all skate. I was so impressed with how well everyone skated...especially those of you who had never skated before. I hope we can plan another fun outdoor field trip in the near future.

Remember that your book trailers are due on Thursday--please put them in the "Book Trailer" folder under my name in the FPA Kids Work area.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. See you tomorrow. Craig's dad is going to be giving us a presentation on his business!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't forget!

Don't forget your ice skates and winter clothes tomorrow!!!!! We will have a blast. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. Enjoy your Thursday night.

Homework: Executive summary due Monday, survey graphs due tomorrow, practice spelling, read for 30 minutes, finish math.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday. Guess what? I hear warmer weather is on the way...just in time for ice skating on Friday. Remember to turn in your permission slips tomorrow morning so I have time to figure out how many additional skates I need to track down:-)

Also--Laura and Jo, tomorrow is your turn to work at the school store. Can you remember to be at school by 8:30 so you have time to put your things away and get the store set up?

REMINDER: Tomorrow we have the all school assembly right away at 9:10. Families are welcome to join us.

Thanks to everyone for making a conscious effort to remember to do your classroom job each day. When we all work together to get things done, it makes a big difference. Thank you for helping each other remember to do your jobs nicely when someone forgets.

Did you notice in the newsletter that Ms. Nikki wrote about coming to our room and talking to us about how she started Peace of Mind? How exciting for your learning to be recognized.

I hope you will all come to the dance on Friday night. It will be a lot of fun--I STILL REALLY want to get a video demonstration together of the Electric Slide. The decorations you made today look really nice. They are being laminated. On Friday, we can figure out how we want to display them.

Homework: Read for 30 minutes, finish math if you need to, practice spelling and basic math facts, survey charts/graphs due Friday

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Tuesday

Good morning.

I am posting this from school. Last night the teachers had a first aid training class that ended at 9:00. As you can imagine, I was pretty tired when I went home. That's why I didn't post anything last night.

The last few days at school have been extremely busy. We have had so much going on. I know that the kids have been really excited about working on their book trailers. They are looking so cool. Mrs. Sloot and I are working on posting them on the FPA website for everyone to see.

This week new spelling words came home with your student. This week we are focusing on spelling words with double consonants in them, and how we know that stop+ing= stopping. Please remember to practice spelling words each night.

This week we will also be having a couple of guest speakers. As you know we are in the midst of our unit on economics. Ms. Nikki will be coming in today to talk about how to write a business proposal. I am sure she will also be giving us some advice on how to create and operate a successful business. On Friday, Marselienna's family will be coming in to talk with us. Marselienna's family owns and operates Fetcher's in Woodbury.

The big homework assignment for this week is for the students to compile the data from their market surveys into charts and graphs. One graph/chart is due today, and the rest are due on Friday. These charts will be included in their final business proposals.

Final book trailers are due on Thursday, February 12!
Reminder: We have an all school assembly on Thursday at 9:10.

I will send permission slips home in Wednesday folders for ice skating on Friday afternoon.

Happy Tuesday!