When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome Back!


Hello and welcome back from what I hope was a relaxing MEA break. It sounds like you all had wonderful adventures, travels and time to enjoy the fall weather with friends and family.

My favorite part of our day was the great discussion we had on stereotypes. We talked about where stereotypes come from (false assumptions), and what can cause a false assumption. We discovered that assumptions come from many aspects of a person's life including his/her physical characteristics, family history, job choice, cultural background, religious beliefs, how he/she talks, political views, etc. We were really able to connect with Kit in THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND. How cool that a novel that takes place in the late 1600's has a message that is still relevant to us today.

We shared the stereotypes and assumptions that we found in the media. It was fun to watch everyone react to them, and to recognize what wasn't true. I was happy to hear that everyone was concerned with how to break down the stereotypes and how to promote positive images of humanity to others. I truly believe that the very best and brightest young adults are in our classroom.

We worked hard today on a new social studies project that will be done primarily in class. We used the textbooks to learn about the formation of the 13 colonies. Each student will be in charge of choosing a colony and creating a persuasive poster/travel brochure to convince travelers to visit there. By the time we are finished with this project, we will be experts on the 13 Colonies, and colonial life before and after the Revolutionary War.

Remember that book projects, and packets are due October 31 (Johnny Tremain--we talked about when your stuff is due). You will have time in class this Wednesday and next Tuesday to work on projects, packets or catch up on your book club reading. However you choose to use the hour and 15 minutes of work time (on Wednesday and then again on Tuesday) is up to you. Remember to have whatever materials you need with you at school.

Tomorrow in book clubs we will have time for students to work together on their comprehension packets. I hope that this will help to ease some of your anxieties. Your group leaders will help you make sure you are answering the questions completely, and you will have the rest of your group as support. Remember, from here on out you will not have any additional homework (unless you don't finish your math in class). Your primary job will be to focus on finishing your book project and book packet. If you need help from me, don't wait until the last second. I am always available before and after school for one on one help. I don't want you to feel stressed.

Homework for tonight: Work on book club "stuff" (packet, reading and project), remember to have your book packet at school tomorrow so you can work on it during book clubs.

FIELD TRIP permission forms went home today for our trip to the state capitol on October 29. Signed slips are due to me by Friday, October 24.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. E I liked sharing our stereotypes.

Haven said...

me too
I found another one: The book Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It is because since Gregory isn't big and strong like boys are "supposed to be" they call him wimpy

Anonymous said...

I didn't like stereotypes because Mrs. E purposely didn't call on me.

Joanna said...

Hi, this is Mrs. E. I hope whoever wrote the comment about me not calling on you realizes that I believe all of your ideas are important. If you felt like I wasn't calling on you, please know it was not on purpose!!! Next time, feel free to speak up and say "hey, you haven't called on me." (Remember that we teachers aren't always perfect and make mistakes) I would love to hear your ideas on stereotypes. You could post them on the blog. Thank you for telling me how you felt.