When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Magic of Books

As I am typing this post, Belinda Jensen just announced that tomorrow the sun will be out and we will have temperatures of around 70 degrees. That's great news--I know we miss our outside times at school when the weather doesn't go our way.

I am so excited about the way book clubs went today. For our first time trying this as a class, things went really well. Everyone's task was to come up with a list of elements that make up historical fiction, and to find supporting evidence in their books. The group that I worked directly with did extremely well. Everyone was involved, thinking, discussing and writing. When we came back together and talked about how things went, the feedback was positive. Some said they felt like grownups--more mature as they were discussing books. Other students talked about really making a connection to the book and becoming emotionally attached to characters. Everyone remarked how quickly the time flew by. Time spent with kids, and the excitement that comes from their learning is one of the best perks of the job. Our literacy time today was absolutely magical!

Students also worked on writing their proposals for their book club project due on October 31st. I will look them over tonight, make comments and suggestions and hand them to you all first thing tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see the ideas you have proposed to me.

I am off to work on reading response journals, and take a look through each book club's work on historical fiction elements. Have a great evening. I am so proud of everyone for budgeting their homework time so well this week. Have fun at Natalya's party! I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow.

Homework: Read for 20 minutes, remember to work on comprehension packets, finish Spanish and math if you didn't in class today. Remember that pop up books are due on Monday.


Laura said...

Hopefully we can go outside today!!!! I really hope so if anything we can always read to!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the weather will be nice tommorow i hope it will be nice all week