When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sorry for the delay:-)

Hello again,

I am sorry for the delay in my post for Friday. The science workshop that I attended had several great ideas for us to try out in our classroom. I am really excited to talk about different science options with the other teachers who went and compare notes. The big due day of October 3 finally came. Most students were really good about remembering to turn in mystery books, calendars and their finished Basil projects. I have started looking at them this weekend--WOW! There are some really, really excellent projects. For those who forgot to turn in anything that was due, you have until Monday.

We had great fun in our cooking activity yesterday afternoon. I am bummed that I forgot to bring my camera. Next time. We made a healthier variation of "Dirt." We made "Beach Sand Parfaits." We used non-fat, low-sugar pudding cups, and we layered the pudding with crushed up mini vanilla wafers. The crushed up vanilla wafers really looked like beach sand. We put our concoctions in clear cups--the kids had fun seeing the different layers. We topped off each cup with a Swedish Fish for a beach effect.

I am so excited about how the kids are responding to our read aloud--THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND. Yesterday we worked on comparing and contrasting the main character's former home in Barbados to her new home in the Connecticut Colony. The kids were able to pull out some very intuitive comparisons.

Craig's mom and Olivia J's mom have agreed to help us with book clubs for the month of October! I am so excited to have their help. Thank you so much! Book clubs will meet each Tuesday and Thursday for 45 minutes. Students should continue to work on their comprehension packets at home as they read.

Mrs. Chang and Mrs. Sloot are running the TC Marathon tomorrow. Send good thoughts their way for a great finish, and dry weather. I think some students are even planning to stand on the course and cheer on their teachers. I know they will be looking for you, and truly appreciate your support:-)

Homework for the weekend: Read for 60 minutes, some students have math homework to finish, remember that our persuasive pop up books are due on Friday, October 10th. We will assemble them together in class.

Have a great rest of the weekend. See you bright and early Monday morning:-)


Anonymous said...

I don't mind delays

Anonymous said...

Niether do i