When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Better Late Than Never!

Happy SNOWY Sunday to everyone. Last night was so much fun. I had a blast seeing you. Your costumes were all so clever and creative. I posted the pictures I took. I think I got pictures of everyone that I saw. If I missed anyone, I am sorry--but know that I tried my best to get everyone who came. I also posted pictures of students working on their pop art painting activity. These will be on display outside of our classroom. I will post pictures of each student's painting in our photo album. The paintings look amazing! Very Andy Warhol-like:-)

Looking back to Friday, our biggest accomplishment of the day was that we finally finished our persuasive business letters! After weeks of hard work, the final copies looked so professional and adult-like. It will be fun to hear back from Cub and Color Me Mine and get our spaghetti dinner and silent auction planned. I am so PROUD of everyone for working through a very challenging assignment, for giving it your all, and for seeing it through until the very end.

I know that the students were very excited to bring home their dream jars this weekend. I hope that in the process of getting them home, the jars and students weren't too greasy:-) Ask your student about the dream that is inside of the jar they made.

Our first Mix It Up class went really well. I heard nothing but positive feedback from the kids. I appreciate getting to know the students outside of the classroom. I know that the kids in my jump roping class had fun making new friends. It was really neat to see the older students take the younger students "under their wings." We have amazing leaders and role models in our class--I just can't say that enough:-)

We have our field trip to the state capitol on Wednesday. Those of you who expressed interest in joining us will be getting more information Monday. We should have a great time with Mrs. LaRoue's class touring the capitol, learning about the importance of voting, and a little bit about the history of government in our state.

I hope that you all are finding time to complete your book club "stuff" (packets, and projects). Everything is due on Friday--and what a celebration we will have when you turn everything in. This will be another challenging project that will have stretched your brains, and helped you to grow as a learner. Also remember to complete your Spanish in school computer activity for Miss Kim by Thursday.

Things to look forward to this week: book clubs, field trip, Halloween party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun at the halloween party it was awsome