When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Totally Thursday.

We opened our day with our monthly all school assembly. Mr. Scott shared a touching video clip that focuses on sportsmanship (our character trait of the week). Ask the kids about the video. Laura read her "Dreams" poem to the school and explained about the contest she entered. Keep us posted, Laura. Today was our final day of NWEA testing--I know the students are relieved to be finished. They all did a tremendous job. I will update you on scores soon.

Our persuasive stories about wanting unusual pets are due October 10th. Students do not need to worry about gluing the pages together. We will do that as a class on the 10th because there is a special way to put the book together. Students must have all pictures and writing done in the book.

We passed out reading comprehension packets for the students to work on as they are reading their historical fiction books. Packets are due on October 31st. Students know that they must write their information in complete sentences, and not rush!

Our read aloud time was very successful. We worked on plotting the high and low points of what we have read in THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND. We are going to see where we reach the climax (high point) of the book, and how the author leads the readers there. The students are helping me draw a line graph to plot out each section of the book (Heads up: this would be a GREAT idea for a book project!).

We worked on finishing our last colonial America station in social studies. Now that we have a good grasp on aspects of daily life, we are going to move to the textbook to explore some historical documents of the time. For many students, using the textbook for Social Studies is new. We will not be using it all the time, but I think it is beneficial to expose the kids how to navigate and use a textbook. We will be using it as a supplemental tool to our many hands-on activities and projects.

Homework tonight: Read for 20 minutes, Basil projects and mystery books are due tomorrow, reading calendars for September are due tomorrow. Students should have marked in their assignment notebooks that persuasive pop-up books are due October 10th.

A reminder about October reading calendars: Please indicate how long you read as well as WHAT you read. Students will not be penalized for not including this information in their September calendars. From here on out, I need both pieces of information marked on the calendar. Thank you for your support and help with this!

Have a great Thursday evening together! The weather is beautiful.


Laura said...

Hey Mrs.E,
Can you ask this question to the class: If you could meet anyone in the world,how would it be?????


Windabreak said...

Dear Mrs. E,
We have WAY to much homework.
I feel like I have the whole world on my head!!! Seriously, I might die of stress. But don't make me repeat the grade, because then I'll never make it into collage and I'll have to live in a box!

Just Kidding!
But I feel like there is a little to much homework for me

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone--this is Mrs. E. Thanks for all your comments. I love reading them, and hearing what you are thinking about school:-)

Anonymous said...

I think we have a good amount of homework I would be willing to even have more

Anonymous said...

Mrs. E i think we have the right amount of homework. And who is Melony

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. E who really is Melony?
I like her funny comments. I thought Scotts video was so touching NOT.But i did like it and thought it was cool.