When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pink Elephants

I am very excited for Halloween tomorrow. We have some fun surprises planned for you. Friends--remember the pink elephants tomorrow.

Today was another great day. We are worked on quizzing each other on the nifty thrifty spelling words, and did some word work with synonyms. We had a great discussion today with the WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND--finally, our classroom collection of the book came in so everyone could follow along. We talked about the symbolism in the book, particularly how the author used the weather to parallel the inner feelings of the characters.

Best of luck to you tonight as you work on putting the final touches on your book projects and packets. I am so proud of you for all your hard work. I am excited to start our new unit on contemporary fiction soon.

This weekend I will be working on putting together literacy and language arts grades so you can see where you are at. Please remember to sign and return the math grade sheet. Yearbook order forms are also due tomorrow.

Have a wonderful night. It feels weird for me to remind you about pink elephants:-) I hope your families don't think we are being weird. You will have to explain our code words to them.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the pink elephants will be great