When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dream Jars

Today was a fun day. The highlight of the day was making dream jars. This fun activity was our cooking activity for the week. I wanted to show the kids that they can use everyday food items to create art. We created dream jars inspired by two of my favorite books: THE BFG by Roald Dahl and GOSSAMER by Lois Lowry. Both novels center on the importance of childhood dreams and how good they can make us feel. Today we created our own ideal dreams--we formed these dreams from positive memories, wishes, hopes, and things that just make us down right happy. We filled jelly jars with water, vegetable oil, food coloring, glitter, buttons and beads. It was so exciting to see the kids first write about their dreams and then bring them to life inside of their jars.

Today was also the first day of running club. If any of you are still interested, you can still sign up--no matter what kind of a runner you are. The important thing is that we are doing something healthy for our bodies while having a good time. The next running club is on Tuesday at 4:15.

Tomorrow we have our first Mix It Up class. I will be so excited to hear what you think of this new activity. Come ready to make new friends, learn new things and have lots of fun.

I am so proud of how hard everyone is working on their book projects and packets. You are all becoming stronger readers as a result.

I am hoping to get some of you (students) to do some posting for me. It would be fun to hear about our school days through your eyes. Be thinking about whether you would be interested in writing on our website.

Reminder: Please return conference forms to school ASAP. If your time doesn't work, please let me know. I would be happy to work around your schedule. A reminder that on conference day (November 7) there will be no school all day.

Have a great night. Thanks for a wonderful day.

PS. What lesson did you learn about taking your teacher's keys? :-) HAHA.


Anonymous said...

tv stand, bookshelf, trophie case

Anonymous said...


Laura said...

she meant were she wants to put the Dream Jar

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi people. who is the anonymous?
I am gonig to put mine on the bookshelf in my room.

Anonymous said...

i have no idea who the anonymus is
i don't know where i am putting mine

Anonymous said...

I'm putting mine by my computer. I was gonna put it by my bed sill, but when I was sleeping it fell off and woke me up do I moved it

Haven said...

When it fell off, it didn't break? Whew! I LOVED DOING DREAM JARS!!!!!!

i think the person who keeps saying stuff like tv stand, bookshelf, trophy case and stuff like that is scott

oh and ps to the first person, u spelled trophy wrong :)
