When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cole and Sam's Football Game

What a fun way to spend a Fall weekend morning in Woodbury. Cole and Sam invited me to their football game at the Bielenberg Sports Complex. Their teams were playing each other. I was probably the only person at the game who cheered for both teams! Here are some of the pictures I took of the game. I don't remember the score, or who even won. It was exciting to see what my students do OUTSIDE of the classroom:-)


Anonymous said...

i dont like this empty bowls project

Anonymous said...

im with ya there

Anonymous said...

me three

Anonymous said...

add me to the list

Anonymous said...

me too

Windabreak said...

I like the empty bowls project!!

Anonymous said...

Why are you guys commenting about that on this blog? It's about Cole and Sam's Football game. Shouldn't you be commenting like 'Good job Sam and Cole!!'

Haven said...

ok. " good job sam and cole!" I have a feeling the last " anonymous" person was mrs.e

Anonymous said...

mars, you said you were anonymous on your letter, but your name thing on the top is mars. its kinda obvious who you are..... sry!! Hee hee

Anonymous said...

I don't care

Anonymous said...

I don't like how we have 2 dress up as Mr. Scott

Haven said...

i think its a creative idea, but i might not do it

Anonymous said...

I don't think 4th/5th grade is a good year this year. (I didn't say 6th because I don't want people to think this is Laura because it's not)

Anonymous said...

Hi I like this site

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list of not liking the Empty bowls project Wait actually I like the project but I don't like writing buissness letters and gret job Cole and Sam.

Anonymous said...

You weren't supposed to write about the Elephant on this He looks at it you had a great game Cole and Sam. thats cool how you played each other. Whoever the ananymous was please stop giving our great free dress day Idea away because the person who were dressing up as looks on here. And i agree with Mrs. E that we should use this space to talk about Cole and Sam's football game. But I just have to say that I am So excited for free dress day. Is anyone else. Sorry this comment has been so long, But I just have to say one more thing, see ya
Monday! (except for people in trailbazers, I might see you tommorow.) Have a great MEA everyone that I don't see. Again I'm sorry this comment has been so long but i am bored and this is the only thing I have to do. This is the longest comment i have ever written on this Blogspot. I am so bored today. What are you guys doing tody (or at any time over MEA I have to finish now the computer won't let me write any more. Call me if your not doing anything I will have a play date with any of you.

Anonymous said...

who said they don't like empty bowls!? Why? Whoever said that, did you do all 5 i don't like it comments?

Anonymous said...

Great job Sam and Cole. Anyone on?? Hey Mrs. E, you are one of my favorite teachers yet!!!
see you all tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

hello im bored

Anonymous said...

I love Sam

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA Who said that? HA HA HA Sorry no offense to any one but HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA