When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I am here:-)

You are absolutely right...I do need to write a new post. As you all know, the holidays are a very busy time of year. Over the past several days we have had so much fun together. I have posted several new pictures of our holiday festivities--concert, outside sledding, the results of having my camera stolen by my students, and making our gingerbread houses.

First of all, I want to thank you all for the generous Christmas presents that you gave me yesterday. I was overwhelmed and greatly humbled when I received the spaghetti bowl, gift cards to my favorite stores,chocolates, handmade note cards, key chains, pies, bakeware, Wii games and books. You all know me so well. Please know that everything you gave me will be enjoyed by my family, and when it is used, I will be thinking of YOU. I am so blessed to be your teacher. There are no words to describe how much fun I am having with you, and being able to be a part of your educational journey.

Baking gingerbread houses was a big task! Thank you to Angie, Michelle, Scarlett and everyone else for your candy donations, time making frosting and helping countless students piece together their gingerbread creations. As you can see from the pictures, the houses turned out beautifully. I hope you will enjoy them over the break!

Our Christmas party was also a huge success. Once again I am so grateful to all parents and your unwavering support and time and for pouring your hearts into giving the kids a party to remember. My favorite part was singing Christmas carols while Mike played the electric guitar. I know the kids loved making the ornaments and unwrapping their white elephant gifts. A huge thank you to Audrey, Michelle, Mike, Scarlett, Angie, and Cathy!!!!!

We were disappointed that the cold weather didn't allow us to go skating on Monday, but please know that Mrs. Lisa and I will work together to schedule a time after break when we can go. We wouldn't have enjoyed ourselves as much as we could have with 30 below temperatures. Thanks to all students for your patience and understanding.

I am very excited to look over your book projects in the coming days. I will take them on the airplane with me for my reading pleasure:-) I am leaving tomorrow for Indiana. I will be spending a week of relaxation with my mom, dad and sister. I hope you will send me lots of emails telling me about the fun things that you all are doing over winter vacation.

Thank you again for such a tremendous 2008. You all mean so much to me. We have formed a special family in a few short months. Enjoy the next 10 days off. Relax, make snow angels, eat lots of treats and be thankful for the incredible families you have. See you all next year!!!

PS. If you are going to start science projects over the break, send me an email explaining your project so I can approve it. joanna.etshokin@gmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

long post Mrs.E.