When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas with the teacher

Hi Friends,

As promised, here are some pictures from MY holiday in Indiana. What do you think? Send me some pictures of your holiday for me to post on the website.

Love, Mrs. E.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It Feels like Spring!

Hi Friends,

I am posting this from my parent's living room in Bloomington, Indiana. Guess what? Right now the temperature is 68 degrees! It feels like early Fall here because it is so hot and there is no snow on the ground. I was trying to explain to my family what -35 degrees feels like:-) I had a wonderful Christmas. I am wondering about you all and what fun things you got to do over the holidays. Email me your favorite present, and favorite thing that you have done so far over the break, so I can make a post about what everyone is up to. Don't forget to email me about your science fair project if you want to start it over break. I will post some pictures of my Christmas soon. If you have any pictures from your holidays, send them as attachments to me and I will post them on the blog.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday Festivities Part 2 pictures posted!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Letter to my students

To open our last justice circle, I wrote a letter to the kids. I wanted to post it here as a reminder that the greatest gift I have received this year is the opportunity to teach this group of students. Happy Holidays.

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. Every day you never cease to amaze me with your questions, curiosities, hopes and dreams. Two of the greatest joys in my entire teaching career have been to watch you grow in your learning, and mature as kind, caring and honorable human beings.

Over the past several months we have gotten to know each other well. We have laughed together in the lunch room. We have screamed together down the sledding hill, and we have asked each other if we want to "buy a duck" more times than I can begin to count. More than all of this, I especially look forward to the special time we spend getting to know each other inside of our circle. This past week, we talked about our enchanted places-- places where you can shed the outer layers of yourself and can be the most authentic YOU. Many of you described your enchanted places being in your bedroom, nestled in your favorite blanket, or with a wrench, a car and the company of your father. I promised you that I would reveal one of my enchanted places. I will give you a hint...you are all sitting in it right now. Inside the bounds of this circle, this special place, true magic happens. I am not talking about the pulling the rabbit out of the hat kind of magic. I am talking about the kind of magic where 16 unique individuals, with different backgrounds, families and lifestyles can sit together and be their truest selves. Inside of our circle we have established a place where we only know the best that everyone has to offer. While we recognize that we are all human and capable of making mistakes and decisions that we aren't always proud of, we are somehow able to look past all of that. Inside our magic circle, we cry, laugh, reflect, listen and understand each other from the deepest parts of our hearts. Inside this circle we know that we don't have to put on an act or a front. No one is expecting us to be anything but our most genuine selves. It is not often that we come across this kind of magic--the kind of magic that takes our breath away--the kind of magic that results in a common understanding of what it is like to grow up and discover who you are.

I hope that one day you will look back on the time we spent together in our circle as an enchanted place of your own. When you grow up and flourish in everything that you do, you will remember these things:

**how important it is to listen with an open mind
**how important it is to speak with an open heart
**for years to come, long after you graduate high school and college--in the many circles i will have with other students, there will always be an opening and a place for you.

I am so proud to be your teacher.

New Pictures!

Winter Festivities Album Part One--posted

I am here:-)

You are absolutely right...I do need to write a new post. As you all know, the holidays are a very busy time of year. Over the past several days we have had so much fun together. I have posted several new pictures of our holiday festivities--concert, outside sledding, the results of having my camera stolen by my students, and making our gingerbread houses.

First of all, I want to thank you all for the generous Christmas presents that you gave me yesterday. I was overwhelmed and greatly humbled when I received the spaghetti bowl, gift cards to my favorite stores,chocolates, handmade note cards, key chains, pies, bakeware, Wii games and books. You all know me so well. Please know that everything you gave me will be enjoyed by my family, and when it is used, I will be thinking of YOU. I am so blessed to be your teacher. There are no words to describe how much fun I am having with you, and being able to be a part of your educational journey.

Baking gingerbread houses was a big task! Thank you to Angie, Michelle, Scarlett and everyone else for your candy donations, time making frosting and helping countless students piece together their gingerbread creations. As you can see from the pictures, the houses turned out beautifully. I hope you will enjoy them over the break!

Our Christmas party was also a huge success. Once again I am so grateful to all parents and your unwavering support and time and for pouring your hearts into giving the kids a party to remember. My favorite part was singing Christmas carols while Mike played the electric guitar. I know the kids loved making the ornaments and unwrapping their white elephant gifts. A huge thank you to Audrey, Michelle, Mike, Scarlett, Angie, and Cathy!!!!!

We were disappointed that the cold weather didn't allow us to go skating on Monday, but please know that Mrs. Lisa and I will work together to schedule a time after break when we can go. We wouldn't have enjoyed ourselves as much as we could have with 30 below temperatures. Thanks to all students for your patience and understanding.

I am very excited to look over your book projects in the coming days. I will take them on the airplane with me for my reading pleasure:-) I am leaving tomorrow for Indiana. I will be spending a week of relaxation with my mom, dad and sister. I hope you will send me lots of emails telling me about the fun things that you all are doing over winter vacation.

Thank you again for such a tremendous 2008. You all mean so much to me. We have formed a special family in a few short months. Enjoy the next 10 days off. Relax, make snow angels, eat lots of treats and be thankful for the incredible families you have. See you all next year!!!

PS. If you are going to start science projects over the break, send me an email explaining your project so I can approve it. joanna.etshokin@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Are you remembering to fill in your December reading calendars each night? They are due January 5.

Holiday chaos:-)

I just came home from spending a wonderful evening decorating the gym for your holiday concert tomorrow. Between the twinkling lights, the ringing bells and your voices, tomorrow evening should be magical.

Take a deep breath and think about how close you are to the upcoming break. You have worked so hard for the past 3 months. You have learned a lot about time management, asking good questions, staying organized and how to finish a challenging project. You have a lot to be proud of.

We had a wonderful justice circle today. I invited Ms. Nikki, Mrs. Chang and Mr. Scott to sit in on our circle today. We had a great discussion about conflict resolution and and what it means to be an advocate for someone. It was a special time that we shared with each other and our special guests.

Today was so busy trying to prepare for the holiday concert. Remember to have your recorders at school tomorrow for our afternoon practice. Tomorrow morning we will be making and baking our gingerbread dough. If there are any parents who would like to come in and help our class with this, we would love to have you. Don't forget to bring in candy to decorate your houses by Friday!

I apologize for Wednesday folders not making it home today. They will be on the kids' desks tomorrow morning ready for you to take. With a late afternoon concert rehearsal, things were very chaotic and rushed at the end of the day. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Look for a posted list of our Empty Bowls auction winners in the lobby tomorrow. We raised $1433.00--enough to feed 1500 Indonesian children one meal. I am absolutely astounded and humbled by the generosity of the FPA and POM community.

Have a wonderful night. Rest your singing voices and get ready for another busy day tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Pictures Posted!

Empty Bowls pictures are now posted. I will work on labeling them soon. As you can see, the kids had fun experimenting with my camera to capture the special moments of the most.

The auction closed today. I will post the winners tomorrow. Thank you again for your generosity and support.

Permission slips for ice skating on Monday will be coming home in Wednesday folders tomorrow.

Remember to bring a candy item for gingerbread houses by Friday.

Homework for tonight: Finish math, Spanish paragraph due tomorrow, Matisse art project due Monday, gingerbread house drawing due Friday, book project due Friday

Monday, December 15, 2008

After several failed attempts to upload pictures from Empty Bowls and Alexandra's play, I am going to stop and try again tomorrow:-)

Congrats Alexandra!

Last Saturday, Alexandra performed in the play she has been working on for several weeks. It was called PORC IN NEW YORK. Alexandra is a member of the Stagecoach Theater group. If you are interested in getting involved in the theater, I am sure Alexandra would be happy to tell you all about the fun things that she has been doing. Way to go, Alexandra! We are so proud of you.

Quite a bit of information

Hello all!

Another tremendous thank you to everyone for your help and support with our Empty Bowls project. The auction closes tomorrow at 3:30. I will have the kids make the final calculations on the amount of money that we raised. So far, we are well over fifteen hundred dollars! I am so impressed with how much the kids have put into this project, and the pride they showed on Saturday night. I received several emails today complimenting the students on their work and genuine giving spirits. Pictures from Saturday night are being uploaded as we speak.

We did a fun exercise with our Stargirl books today. We read my most favorite piece of writing in all of literature today--Chapter 17 in Stargirl. In this chapter, Stargirl takes the main character, Leo to her "enchanted place." This place is in the middle of the desert, with nothing exciting around. In this place, Stargirl imagines a big pink eraser, erasing her away--erasing away her thoughts of worry and stress, and making her feel like a valued part of the universe. We tried this activity as a class, just laying down on the floor with our eyes closed, focusing on the calm simplicity of the things around us. We reflected in our journals about where our "enchanted places" are--where we can be our most authentic selves. Many students wrote powerful, heartfelt entries about their bedrooms, sports arenas, being alone on the ice rink, fixing cars in the garage, and being snuggled in their favorite blanket like a tortilla being the places where they are their truest selves.

This is a busy week for us. Tomorrow morning we will have Spanish and art with Mrs. Lisa, and in the afternoon we will have our final book club for the month of December. Wednesday we have art, a justice circle with special guests, gym, and then in the afternoon we have concert practice. Thursday we will have concert practice once again and then we will be making and baking our gingerbread dough. Thursday evening we will have our concert, and Friday afternoon we will have our final Mix It Up class for session one. Whew!!!

Remember to bring in a bag of candy for gingerbread houses by Friday. Next week we will be ice skating at the new rinks by school for gym class...we will be sending home permission slips and what to do about skates--we will also have plenty of extra skates so don't worry if you don't have any skates. More to come on this later.

Post your ideas for a fun movie to watch next week as a fun activity. I will go to the video store this weekend to pick one out.

Check out the 3rd graders tomorrow evening on the 5:00 news on Kare 11. They will be bringing all of the Toys For Tots donations to the studio tomorrow. Go Footprints!

I hope I am not forgetting anything. I had lots to tell you tonight.

Remember---book projects are due Friday! Let me know if you need any help. You are always welcome to email me with questions.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Empty Bowls Success!!!

Our dinner tonight was a huge success thanks to all of you! Have a great night. Thank you for all of your help. I will post pictures tomorrow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Almost time!

Hi everyone,
Last night Mrs.E got a lot food for the spaghetti dinner!
Can you beleve that tomorrow is the spaghetti dinner?
I can't! There is a lot to do!
see you,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Empty Bowls Updates

Whew! What a busy day today. Final schedules for Empty Bowl dinner shifts should have come home today. Permission slips for students to be photographed and filmed by the media during our Empty Bowls dinner should have also been brought home today. Please fill out and return the permission slips by Monday at the latest. I will not release any photographs or film until Tuesday.

We worked so hard on our Empty Bowls project today. Our biggest highlight was our finished bowls being delivered. All of our bowls are on display in the main lobby. The silent auction is open and, bids may be placed on bowls through Tuesday, December 16th. Pass on the word to FPA and POM families to check out our bowls. Tickets for the spaghetti dinner are being sold before and after school tomorrow as well as at the door on Saturday evening. Tickets will be available for pick up on Saturday evening. We look forward to seeing you all there.

We have received close to one hundred dollars in food donations from Cub, Kowalski's and Sam's Club. I purchased all of our food this evening! It was a cart full! We are also grateful to Tinucci's for donating several loaves of french bread to our dinner. Our evening should be fabulous!

Homework tonight: Finish math, read for 20 minutes, continue to work on your book projects (which are due one week from tomorrow)

Have a wonderful evening.

PS. I will be taking lots of pictures of our bowls and spaghetti dinner and will be posting them this weekend on the website, so check back often:-)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Wednesday already!

Hello all.

Sorry for the late post. I have been busy grading your power up tests and getting the final schedule for Empty Bowls shifts together. Tomorrow morning you will have the final schedule for when your shifts are on your desk. I have been told that our bowls will be delivered tomorrow. We will set them up immediately in the front lobby with bidding sheets so those who cannot make it to the dinner will still have the opportunity to bid on the bowls.

We will work more on putting the finishing touches on our power point presentation for the dinner and we will finish hanging the last signs in the school. You have all worked so hard.

Remember that the school store opens tomorrow. 3rd-6th graders will be in charge of running it all year. The school store hours are 8:45-9:00 in the front lobby.

I hope you all have a wonderful night. If you want to bring sleds for the sledding hill on the playground you may--you just need to be willing to share your sled with others. :-)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hi Fellows! It's me, TT, as most of you know me by. AKA Natalya.

Today was a fun day. I personally think that recess was the best part. You know, sledding,crashing, doing it all over again. We have spanish homework tonight. It has to do with liking and not liking different things. Tomorrow we have Phy Ed and music. Don't forget to bring your recorders. You should have practiced "Jingle Bells." That was our music homework. Mrs. E still needs to figure out our Empty Bowls stuff. Mrs. E. really worked hard to help us with this, so we should have faith in her and trust her decisions. After all, she is our teacher. Remember to work on your book projects!
*Math (not everyone)
*Practice Recorder
*Read 20 minuets
*Work on book project

You don't have all of this homework, it is just a list of things that you might have for homework.Tomorrow, please answer the question on the white board.

Ciao 4 now!

Morning Update

Wow! I have a lot to fill you in on. Yesterday was a busy day. We are working really hard on our math contracts, vocabulary and daily oral language. We also did a fun cursive activity on whiteboards. I am expecting that we will be working more often on our cursive as a review. My favorite part of the day was our discussion about STARGIRL, our current read aloud by Jerry Spinelli. We examined Stargirl's actions and did a cause and effect activity with them--for example, we talked about why was Stargirl so fearless, and what the results of her actions were. I kept remarking to the kids that I felt like I was leading an advanced high school level reading course. Per the students' advice, I took a picture of the notes we took on the whiteboard as "memento" of such a mature, in depth discussion.

For our next writing project, we are working on putting together a student handbook for Footprints Academy students. We have been inspired by Stargirl to welcome all students and do what we can to make everyone feel a part of the Footprints community. Look for more updates on the handbook soon!

I have posted pictures of the Empty Bowls pottery painting experience. I haven't labeled them yet, but here is the link to those pictures. I can't wait to get our finished bowls back this week.

This morning the kids will be attending the official Science Fair kickoff assembly. They will be getting their science fair handbooks--all information necessary for how to complete an experiment is included in the handbook. If you have any questions, feel free to email me, or give me a call. The Science Fair is February 24, 2009.

Remember that book projects are due December 19th. Our last book club for contemporary fiction books will be Tuesday, December 16th. Our next unit will be a short poetry study.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Short post

Hi Friends,

I had something come up this evening. Thanks for your patience. My regular blogging will be back tomorrow! In the meantime, Marselienna wanted something posted so here it is.

Hello! Today we played What Are You Doing in Morning Meeting. That was a fun game. I hope we can play it again! We also had Gym and our Art home work was due today!! Remember to do Math if you have it!

You do not need to worry about doing your student handbook page tonight. Things were busy at the end of the day for me to remember to remind everyone. Your only homework is to finish math and work on your book projects.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Late post

Today was a blast. I had so much fun playing with you guys out on the playground in the snow. I promise you that we will find a time to go sledding on the big hill. I also had so much fun painting bowls with you. I know that all the hard work you put in to getting this spaghetti dinner up and running will pay off in the end. Your bowls are going to be auctioned off faster than you can blink an eye, and we will feel amazing knowing that we are helping those in need. I took several pictures today of the bowl painting procedure. If I don't get them up tonight, I will for sure have them posted tomorrow. So check back here often.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3

Today was another great day. I can't wait to paint our bowls tomorrow with the studio manager from Color Me Mine. The designs that you planned out for your bowls look absolutely amazing. I know they will go fast at the auction. Thanks to those of you who remembered to bring back your Empty Bowls schedule sheet.

I also hope that tonight you are taking time to celebrate all of the successes you have experienced so far this year. Report cards went home today, and I am so proud of all the growth you have had during the past 3 months. You are all a really unique group of learners with so many gifts and talents to share. In fact--you all possess the essence of Stargirl--and you are not afraid to let that show!

I can't wait to start working on the new student handbook and to use what we are learning from Stargirl to help us write words of wisdom for current and incoming Footprints students.

Tomorrow morning we will have our all school assembly. Families are welcome to attend. The assembly will start at 9:15 in the cafeteria. The third grade class will be leading the assembly. I can't wait to see what they have planned for us.

Homework for tonight: Read for 20 minutes (Don't forget to record your reading on your December calendar!!!!), work on book project, finish math if you need to.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pizzelle Pictures Posted

Photos of Pizzelle cooking are posted. Check them out!

As promised, here is the recipe that Michelle and Olivia were gracious enough to share with us. Let me know if you end up trying the recipe at home.

(makes 60 cookies)

6 eggs
3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup (1/2 pound) margarine melted and cooled
4 tsp. baking powder
2 Tbls. vanilla or anise flavoring

Beat eggs, adding sugar gradually. Beat until smooth. Added cooled margarine and vanilla or anise flavoring. Sift flour and baking powder together and add gradually to the mixture. Place one tablespoon of the mixture onto hot pizzelle oven. Bake according to iron directions.

Congrats Laura!

Check out this email that Laura shared with me this evening. Hip Hip Hooray to Laura!

Dear Mrs. E,
This amazing thing happened to me right when I got home. I will tell you the whole story. Me, Nicole, and my mom pulled into the driveway, and mom said, "Can you go get the mail?" "Yes," I reply. I get to the mail and I find a small package. I thought it was for my parents and it was addressed to me. It was from the poetry people. I ripped it open. Once I got inside, I found a book! It was the poetry book, and mine was the first poem in the book!!!!! I will bring the book in tomorrow. It is really cool. Hope you have a good night!!!!

Laura D.

This and That

Hello everyone. I am uploading pictures from Thursday as we speak. They take a long time to load since there are so many. The pictures that you guys took of each other are so fun to look at. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

WOW--we worked really hard on our Empty Bowls project today. I am so amazed at the fliers that you and your groups created for the event. I will make sure that we can get them out to FPA and POM families this week. Please remember to share the Empty Bowls schedule sheet with your families so that you can plan ahead for December 13th. Remember to bring back your sheets as soon as possible, so we can get all of our shifts and schedules finalized by the end of the week.

If you didn't turn in your reading calendars for November already, please turn them in tomorrow. You will not lose any points for turning them in tomorrow. I forgot to remind you last week. December reading calendars went home today. If you didn't get one from me at the end of the day, remember to come and see me to get one tomorrow. They are worth 30 points.

Monday and Tuesday reading response groups also need to have their journals ready to turn in to me tomorrow morning when you walk in the door.

Finally, if you have any questions about your book projects and need help, please come and see me before or after school. Your projects are due in a little over two weeks, and I am expecting that they will ALL knock my socks off. I know exactly what kind of critical thinking and analyzing skills you all have, and I can't wait to see which project you chose.

Thanks for all the fun emails and blog comments. I am so happy to be your teacher!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hello again

I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. I have been having fun reading all the fun comments you have been posting on the blog, and all of the fun holiday emails you sent me over break. I spent all day working on report cards which will go out on Wednesday. I got all your reading response journals graded and passed back, AND I also had time to make a new seating chart. Get ready for new seats tomorrow morning. We will also do some cleaning and organizing. Mrs. Lisa will be coming in on Tuesdays to do some art with us which will be very exciting. Remember, we will be painting our Empty Bowls on Thursday. We need to get final fliers done, talk to Mr. Scott and Mrs. Nikki about calling the newspaper, and asking Mrs. Nikki about how we can purchase the food for our dinner. It is going to be a busy week. I am excited to hear all about your breaks. AND, I have a special surprise for you on Friday because it is a special day.

I will also post pictures tomorrow from our pizzelle making experience with Michelle Johnson. I had so much fun watching you make the cookies. I hope your families enjoyed them with you. When I post the pictures, I will also post Michelle and Olivia's pizzelle recipe for you to try at home if you have the special iron.

Have a great night. See you soon.