When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maplewood Nature Center pictures posted

We had so much fun at the Maplewood Nature Center. Check out all the pics I took during the day. We had lots of fun planting three rain gardens, and then doing a pond study. We found several plants and animals in the pond that indicated the water is healthy. We spent most of our day in the sun and fresh air. Thank goodness the weather was gorgeous and sunny. What was your favorite part of the day?

Are you excited for Boca Chica tomorrow? I am so excited to be able to share in your Spanish celebration experience with you. This restaurant is my all time favorite place to eat. You will all find something you will LOVE.

Then--Field Day. Wow...what a busy few days. Don't forget to wear island/beach gear. What are some of your ideas for fun beach gear? I need some suggestions for clothing items to wear and what accessories to bring...the crazier the better:-)

1 comment:

hAvEn said...

i love the pictures! im not sure what to wear either, but you could do something like the weirdest beach attire you've ever seen. i dont know :P