When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Boca Chica

Today was great fun. Boca Chica was muy delicioso! I was so impressed with how ambitious you were with your lunch--all of you tried so many great authentic foods. What was the best thing you ate at lunch?

Today we had our first Human Growth and Development discussion on emotions. We talked about how kids our age often feel like they are on emotional roller coasters. We talked about emotions that are easy to handle and those that are difficult to handle. We talked about what triggers emotions and how our body physically responds to each emotion. The kids brought home packets that I would love for families to go through and complete together. The packets are due Friday. I told the kids that they will receive one decision dollar for each assignment that parents and student completes together.

If you have any questions, feel free to come in and chat. If you would like a copy of my lesson plans, I have copies available.

Tomorrow is Field Day!! HELP--I need some suggestions for wacky beach attire to wear. What crazy accessories can you bring in for me to wear? You may come dressed in your beach attire. You will not need to bring a lunch--it will be provided for us. Come ready to have fun in the sun!

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