When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Valley Fair pics will be posted tomorrow!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Heads Up: Tomorrow is Free Dress Day!

Please remember to finish your map page for HW.
Today was a busy day. The auction was great fun. As I told you earlier today, I am so proud of your accomplishments and your growth this year. It has been a tremendous honor and privilege to be a part of your learning journey.

We did a bit of cleaning today--I hope you remembered to bring home your big bags of notebooks. We will do a little more tomorrow and Wednesday. We had our last Spanish, social studies and Health classes--can you believe it?

Enjoy your last Monday night of the school year! Get ready for a day of fun tomorrow:-)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

P.S. To answer a few email questions--yes we will finish up our Health unit tomorrow (Monday). I didn't reply to the emails because I didn't feel comfortable responding to an anonymous email address. We will not be discussing anything relating to Friday's topics. We will talk about HIV/AIDS and hygiene before I take time to answer any final questions. I am proud of you all for being so mature, and respectful.
2.5 days of school left? Can you believe it?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Field Day

Pictures from Field Day are posted. Click here for larger photo views. What a fun filled afternoon. You guys and girls were all amazing Survivors:-)

Remember that your Health packets are due tomorrow.
Our walk to the park is tomorrow afternoon--bring what you want for another afternoon of fun in the sun.

Families, please scroll below to the previous post for updates on our Human Growth and Development discussions.

HGD Updates

Dear Families:

I wanted to update you on the conversation that took place today in our Human Growth and Development unit. We have been talking about emotions—those that are easy to handle and those that are more difficult. We talked about what can cause each emotion, and how our body physically responds to them. Today we focused on stress, grief and depression—three very deep emotions that can be difficult to deal with. We talked about healthy ways to deal with each emotion:
• Exercising
• Talking with someone
• Holding a pet
• Doing something positive for you—a hobby, taking a walk, watching TV
• Walking away from the situation and taking time to reflect on what’s happening
• Writing down thoughts in a journal or diary
• Squeezing a stress ball

We talked about unhealthy ways to deal with emotion:
• Drug and alcohol use
• Under eating
• Over eating
• Eating disorders
• Running away
• Making impulse decisions without taking time to think things through
• Pretending everything is okay—ignoring what is happening
• Suicide
• Physical abuse to yourself and others
• Gangs
• Violence

We then focused in and discussed each response—and how to make a good decision. We talked about the consequences of each choice. Per the curriculum, a part of our discussion was about suicide. The students had several questions about suicide. We talked about a lot about suicide prevention. We talked about what to do if you are concerned about a friend, or if a friend approaches you about suicide. We also talked about what you can do if you are feeling depressed. We came up with a list of tips and phrases to help with positive conversations:

• “I’ve been noticing that you are sad. I want you to know I am here for you and will listen if there is anything you want to talk about.”
• “Mom, Dad, I am concerned about my friend. I noticed that he/she is not him/herself. Here is why I think that…. I just wanted to let you know.
• “Can you help me?”
• If you don’t feel comfortable talking, writing things down is a great way to express yourself, and a good thing to give to a trusted adult.
• If you are listening to a friend in need, reassure them that you are here, you are not judging and that you care.
• Whenever anyone tells you something that makes you feel concerned, immediately tell a trusted adult.

We talked about bullying and teasing and the subject of Columbine came up. We discussed what happened and what schools are doing now to prevent similar situations from occurring. Our session was wonderful. The kids felt a sense of empowerment and felt like they learned many strategies and tips. They are feeling much more relaxed as they realize that we all feel the same “roller coaster of emotions.” I encourage you to sit down with your student and talk about what they are learning. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or give me a call. I will send home an update after tomorrow’s discussion. We will be splitting the class into boys’ and girls’ groups. We will be discussing puberty, sex and personal body issues. If you would like lesson plans, I have copies available.

With much appreciation,
Joanna Etshokin

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

PS: This blog will be up indefinitely. I will let you know when I will be making my final post, but all pictures and videos will still be accessible forever. You are more than welcome to download and copy any pictures that you would like.

Boca Chica

Today was great fun. Boca Chica was muy delicioso! I was so impressed with how ambitious you were with your lunch--all of you tried so many great authentic foods. What was the best thing you ate at lunch?

Today we had our first Human Growth and Development discussion on emotions. We talked about how kids our age often feel like they are on emotional roller coasters. We talked about emotions that are easy to handle and those that are difficult to handle. We talked about what triggers emotions and how our body physically responds to each emotion. The kids brought home packets that I would love for families to go through and complete together. The packets are due Friday. I told the kids that they will receive one decision dollar for each assignment that parents and student completes together.

If you have any questions, feel free to come in and chat. If you would like a copy of my lesson plans, I have copies available.

Tomorrow is Field Day!! HELP--I need some suggestions for wacky beach attire to wear. What crazy accessories can you bring in for me to wear? You may come dressed in your beach attire. You will not need to bring a lunch--it will be provided for us. Come ready to have fun in the sun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maplewood Nature Center pictures posted

We had so much fun at the Maplewood Nature Center. Check out all the pics I took during the day. We had lots of fun planting three rain gardens, and then doing a pond study. We found several plants and animals in the pond that indicated the water is healthy. We spent most of our day in the sun and fresh air. Thank goodness the weather was gorgeous and sunny. What was your favorite part of the day?

Are you excited for Boca Chica tomorrow? I am so excited to be able to share in your Spanish celebration experience with you. This restaurant is my all time favorite place to eat. You will all find something you will LOVE.

Then--Field Day. Wow...what a busy few days. Don't forget to wear island/beach gear. What are some of your ideas for fun beach gear? I need some suggestions for clothing items to wear and what accessories to bring...the crazier the better:-)

Monday, June 1, 2009

WOW! Welcome to the last full week of school. Where has the year gone? We have a busy and fun week ahead of us. Tomorrow we will be going to the Maplewood Nature Center. We will leave school at 9:30 and will be back at 2. Wednesday we are off to Boca Chica to celebrate your Spanish accomplishments. We will be gone from 11:45-1:45. Thursday afternoon is our lunch and field day. I am excited for a hot dog and potato chip grill out before starting some fun competitions. Tomorrow we will be signing up for individual events. Friday afternoon will be our time in the park. Feel free to bring towels, games, books, music, snacks, etc. We will relax, play games and have fun with our friends.

This week we will be finishing up final reading assessments. Thank you for doing your best! Tomorrow afternoon we will be working on final writing assessments. I do have grades for your Oregon Trail journals. I was so impressed with your creative writing! I hope you proudly showed your families your Greek myth grades. You all worked so hard and learned so much.

Have a great night. I am back to working on school work.