When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Your Poems

Hello everyone. I have lots of information for you. I hope you had wonderful Spring Breaks. In a future post, I will show you some pictures from my trip to San Diego. As promised, I have typed up one poem from everyone in our class (those of you who gave me your notebooks) for you to share with your families. They are wonderful. If you don't see your poem here, give me your notebook tomorrow and I will add it here:-)

My Job is Never Done

The sun goes down.
I come up.
Is everyone asleep?
I can't wait until
I can talk with the stars.
I walk slowly around the earth.
I'm so tired.
I go down.
The sun comes up.
Here we go again.
I wish I could stop.
But no

I'm the moon.
--written by Alexandra

trickling from the sky
dancing in the wind
playing with his friends
jumping on the sidewalk
bouncing up and down
the sun has arrived
time to go back up
--written by Rachel

Standing in the desert
While thistle is stinging me
I wish I could move
The only one around here
Swaying around.
--written by Sam

I watch them when they go to bed.
I watch the midnight parties.
I party with them.
Nobody likes me when I party.
Little kids are afraid
Some people are afraid of me
Of the dark.
--written by Marselienna

Waiting for someone to call,
I sit in my place.
I feel lonely when I am not in use.
When someone is done
I hope I am set back nicely.
--written by Olivia J.

A feeling of freedom but not
I want to choose my own destiny
but the wind does it instead
Dancing in the breeze
I tickle the lamp post
As I say hello to the people who pass
The wind stops
I land
Just sitting there so lonely
The wind starts again
People just watch me drift away
As if I am invisible
One piece of me drifting in the wind
I just want to know
Does anyone want to read me?
--written by Haley

I sweep your mind,
I make you feel
Like you're there with me.
My pages
Turn tickled pink when you touch them.
Can't you smell
My binding
The smooth cover that makes me important?
--written by Laura

My Home
resting while waiting for the sun to come up.
i stay as still as can be
moving every once in awhile
wanting to be back in my tree
my home.
--written by Emma

Dry Erase Marker
I want to write and draw across the board
I can run and have total freedom
I can write curvy letters
I will draw and color
The kids will learn from me
If only the teacher will pick me up.
--written by Mady

I fall from heaven,
A crowd around me.
I may look free,
But I'm not.
I twirl on the waves of wind
The waves crash,
And I get covered in white foam.
--written by Natalya

Always being stepped on
Holding everything up
Hoping I won't break
Watch out!
I might
--written by Cole

I am running,
with a friend
through the air
jumping softly
off the bed
to the floor.
I am dancing
with a friend
until we drop,
dizzily on the ground
laughing and giggling.
I am sitting at a friend's tea party
in an elegant dress
sipping invisible tea
from a china cup.
I am laying
on the summer grass
cloud watching
star gazing
I am chasing butterflies
fur whipping
in the crisp air.
I am reading
with a friend
next to tiny legs
I am sleeping
in wide arms
until she wakes up.
--written by Haven

today my friend dances
in the rain
whisper magic love
drank sweet teardrop
dream funny sounds.
--written by Carly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mrs.e i turned in my notebook and mine isnt on here!