When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can I just tell you something? You guys worked so hard today! WOW! I was so impressed with your effort in math, and the determination that went into creating beautiful comparison poems. I can hardly wait to post them here. The same goes with science--your observations and questions about your terrariums were so high level. Tomorrow, we will finish designing your gardens and share your results.

Student Council sent me a reminder to tell you all to bring your item for the Craft Fair if you are participating in it. Items are due tomorrow. The service committee will be meeting this Friday at 1:30.

Friday is also a busy day...it is Free Dress Day and we have Mix It Up. We will be eating in our classroom on Friday because we will have music at 12:45. Won't it be exciting to have Mrs. Herzberg back?

Have a great night!

Homework tonight: Read for 20, finish math, choose one poem that we worked on today and spend 10-15 minutes editing it for imagery and structure, Spanish sheet, practice spelling

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