When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I am only one...

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”~ Helen Keller

We had an incredible justice circle today. We remembered and shared different experiences or people that have made an impact or a difference in our lives. We learned that most often, you don't realize that someone or something has made a difference in your life until several years later. I wanted these kids to understand that whether or not they realize it, everything they do impacts those around them. I heard several stories from the kids today about how people's words make an impact, and how with the support or a friend you can do things you never thought possible. I wanted to share with you the same story I shared with the kids about being impacted. I stayed up late last night trying to come up with the "perfect" story. I called my mom and my sister and for hours we were remembering special times, people and family moments. Around 11:30 last night, I realized that the people right now who are making the most impact on my life are my students. What follows are my letters to each of them, explaining just what a difference they have made in MY life. I also gave each student a copy of his/her own letter. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful, amazing people with me each and every day. I am so blessed.

Dear Craig,

You have caused me to stop and think about the many pleasures in life. You notice and take delight in the little things. There is always something that brings a smile to your face. Thanks to you, I have learned how important it is to laugh.

Dear Laura,

You have caused me to stop and reflect about the deeper meaning behind things. You have taught me that things in life aren’t always as they may appear. You have taught me that we don’t truly see unless we take time to really stop and look.

Dear Natalya,

You have caused me to stop and realize that with a lot of determination and effort, I can make something truly great. You have taught me how important it is to slow down, not rush and really work on perfecting a task—that if I work too quickly I miss what is really important—the process and the journey, not the final product.

Dear Alexandra,

You have reminded me of the feeling you get when you accomplish a goal. I have watched you work toward overcoming challenges that can sometimes get in the way of our dreams. You have taught me the importance of never giving up. When you reach your dreams and goals, you feel so proud—and what an incredible feeling pride is.

Dear Marselienna,

You have caused me to realize how important it is to “wonder” about things in life. You have shown me how important it is to not just accept what you learn, but to ask about the “whys” and the “hows” behind it. You have reminded me to stay inquisitive and curious.

Dear Sam,

You have reminded me how important it is to play. No matter how busy we get in our lives, we need to remember that sometimes we just need to have fun. You have shown me that a tree branch can be a mighty sword and a snow fort can be my castle.

Dear Haven,

You have reminded me how important it is to imagine. You have taught me how to bring a little bit of magic and mystery into the ordinary. You have shown me that I can travel to outer space, the farthest depths of the ocean and the other end of the earth just by dreaming and creating.

Dear Cole,

You have taught me how important it is to pour your heart into everything. Everything you do is special to you. You treat everyone and everything with the utmost kindness and respect. There is always room inside of you to welcome another friend, and let them get to know you.

Dear Rachel,

You have reminded me that the things that I think are impossible can be possible. You have taught me that when the challenges in front of you seem insurmountable, it’s always possible to overcome anything. With your steadfast and determined attitude, you can literally hold the world in your hands, and anything can happen.

Dear Carly,

You have reminded me how important it is to remain young at heart. You have an incredible maturity, but you also know how important it is to laugh with your friends, make snow angels in the snow, and do flips on the monkey bars. You have reminded me how special it is to grow up, but at the same time to remember that we will always have the free spiritedness of our youth inside of us.

Dear Haley,

You have reminded me how important it is to be loyal to someone. Through thick and thin, you always remain true to your friends and others around you. Even more importantly, you have shown me how important it is to be loyal to yourself—to never compromise your beliefs and values just to fit in. You constantly remind me how special it is to just be “you.”

Dear Jo (my special name for Olivia J., because it is my nickname too),

You have reminded me of how important it is to be kind—not just to the friends and adults you see everyday, but to those people who pass you by on the street—who you may never see again. No matter who you encounter, you make that person feel welcome, appreciated and special. You have reminded me that everybody is important.

Dear Emma,

You have caused me to reflect on how important it is to try new things. You have reminded me how important it is to take a chance and experience something outside of your comfort zone. Everyday you have shown me how much I can learn about myself when I take a risk and do something I never imagined ever doing.

Dear Mady,

You have reminded me of how important it is to be versatile. That means you have an interest in a variety of things. You have an open mind and are willing to be a part of new experiences. You have reminded me that I can have an interest in lots of different things—and that all of my different interests fit together like a puzzle and make me who I am.

Dear Olivia (Hummel),

You have reminded me of how important it is to be happy. You have taught me that a positive attitude can make an ordinary experience seem extraordinary. You have reminded me how good it feels to smile, and laugh. When you are happy, the whole world becomes alive and beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that picture, it shows me I stand out. I guess that we all stand out, like if we were to notice the green umbrella, one person would be that. If someone were to notice the blue umbrella, one person would be that. And so on with the rest of the colors. And, I like the thing you said about me. It made me happy!