When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jump Rope For Heart

These jump ropers were REALLY good. I could hardly keep up with them! Wouldn't it be fun to have a jump rope club at Footprints? I especially like the picture of Mrs. Missy trying double dutch. My favorite part of the assembly was when the girls were on their hands on the ground trying to jump over two ropes! In some of the pictures, the girls were jumping so fast you can barely see the jump ropes. Click on each picture for a better view. I am excited for our Jump Rope for Heart Day on April 17th.

Homework: Oregon Trail map (no more than 15 minutes), practice science vocabulary for Thursday, financial charts due tomorrow
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Monday, March 30, 2009


Happy Monday. Today was a busy day. I think we were very excited to see how much the plants in our terrariums had sprouted over the weekend. It has been fun to be the gardeners and to decide how to provide the best environment for each plant.

We also jumped into our Oregon Trail unit. Each student created a family who will be traveling along the Oregon Trail. The students must assume the role of a family member who makes important decisions--like what to bring, which route to take, what to leave behind, etc. It was really fun for me to "meet" each family today through the students' first journal entries.

Tomorrow we have an exciting program. Since we had such a successful Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser last year, Footprints won a professional jump roping program. At 11:00 in the gym, we will watch a team of professional jump ropers perform a series of tricks and routines to get us excited for our Jump Rope for Heart Day on April 11. Our goal is to raise $9025.00 as a school--which comes down to approximately $100.00 per student. You may bring in completed orders any time.

Homework: NO SPELLING THIS WEEK, science vocabulary quiz on Thursday, finish math, financial charts due Wednesday

Thursday, March 26, 2009

FPA Individual Business Grand Opening!

WOW! What an amazing day. This is one of those days that really makes me excited to be a teacher. I was so proud of all of you. I hope you are proud of yourselves. You all experienced incredible success. I can't wait to hear your reaction tomorrow. This was a wonderful learning experience for you and for me. Looking back on the process, I know there are some aspects that I will change in the future, and I am sure that if you were to do this again there would be some adjustments that you would make. We will have a long discussion about our businesses tomorrow. Please let me know if you need more time to make your additional products because I certainly don't want to make something that is meant to be fun, stressful for you. I have uploaded all the pictures that I took from this afternoon. See what you think. I must say--your business ideas were so creative. I have heard many compliments from students and teachers about your creativity and professionalism.

Tomorrow we will have time for everyone to shop and view each other's products. Check this out--here is our vocab word of the day in use--We will shop and view each other's products and services in a systematic way so everyone can see and purchase whatever they would like. All services will be offered for our class on Monday.

A big thank you to your families for their support. It was so fun and exciting to see many parents purchasing goods and services this afternoon. I know that your parents really helped guide you through your business adventures.

Homework: Math, spelling definitions due tomorrow, social studies families due tomorrow, be proud of your tremendous successes today!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A couple reminders

I hope you enjoyed showing and reading your poems to your families tonight.

BIG REMINDER FOR TOMORROW: We are opening our businesses!! Please remember to bring all materials and products that you will need for your store to operate. We will be open from 1:30-3:30.

Check the website for the school store. It will be open tomorrow.

I am going to bed and will be dreaming of sunshine. No more gray winter weather!

Homework: Math, spelling practice, Oregon Trail family creations due Friday in your social studies notebook. Finish science garden designs if you didn't finish today. Remember that spelling words need to be defined and turned in by Friday. I will offer some in class time tomorrow. Do not worry about learning the definitions for a quiz yet--we will have a vocab quiz next week (most likely on Thursday)

More poetry

The following students wanted to have their poems published on our website. This group of poems focuses on use of similies, metaphors and descriptive imagery.

Green is the color of tiny sprouts poking their heads out of the fresh brown soil
Green is a vine slowly crawling its way up a tree
Green is a lucky four leafed clover hiding in a patch of normal three leafed clovers
Green is an emerald shining bright on a necklace chain

Green smells like leaves in the rain dipping down in the weight of the water
Green tastes like fresh granny smith apples

Green sounds like a toucan cawing in the misty rainforest
Green looks like a fresh blooming hasta plant being nibbled by a bunny
Green feels like courage building up inside of you

Green makes me brave and fearless

Green is life.
--written by Haven

Silver Cloud
Silver is the color of a cloud.
Silver is a nickel on the ground.
Silver is a metal sheet.
Silver is a bulb on a Christmas tree.
Silver smells like fresh rain.
Silver tastes like sugar cookies.
Silver sounds like a train on cold metal.
Silver looks like a glint of metal.
Silver feels like happy sadness.
Silver makes me play in the rain.
Silver is the color of a cloud.
--written by Sam

Gray is a storm cloud.
Gray is pencil lead.
Gray is a dime.
Gray is my cat Mandy.
Gray smells like mist.
Gray tastes like burning wood.
Gray sounds like rain drops hitting my window.
Gray looks like a cloudy day.
Gray feels like cold metal.
Gray makes me feel cold as an ice cube.
Gray is an elephant stampede.
--written by Cole

Brown is the Color of Dead Grass
Brown is the color of dead grass
Brown is the bottom of your shoe when you step in dog poo.
Brown is a little kid's face after they've played in the mud.
Brown is the leaves on the ground in autumn.
Brown smells like fresh dirt from the bottom of a flower pot.
Brown tastes like chocolate cookies fresh from the oven.
Brown sounds like people climbing on an old tree on a rainy day.
Brown looks like the dock floating by a boat.
Brown feels rocky and hard like rocks in tbe wind.
Brown makes me feel adventurous, like putting on my tennis shoes, going out the door and running in the rain.
Brown is the color of dead grass.
--written by Marselienna

Friendship is purple
It tastes like strawberries with sugar shining on top
It sounds like contagious laughter that spreads like butter
It smells like flowers sparkling in the garden
It looks like staying up all night talking at a sleepover
It feels like always having someone on your side.
--written by Mady

Warmth is red-yellow
It tastes like hot popcorn freshly made
It sounds like a crackling fire in a fireplace
It smells like bubbling chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven
It looks like a soft couch, a good book and a fuzzy blanket
It makes me feel cozy and safe.
--written by Olivia J.

What is What?
White is the color of clouds
White is the fluffy pillows on the bed
White is the color of walls
White is the clean board ready to get dirty again
White smells like clean sheets
White tastes like icing on a cake
White sounds like snow drifting to the ground
White looks like paper waiting to be drawn on
White feels like a teddy bear
White makes me put on a winter coat
White is the color of clouds.
--written by Alexandra

Lime green is the color of fresh green grass
Lime green is the leaves blowing off tree branches
Lime green is when I feel excited
Lime green is the color of my teddy bear waiting to be hugged
Lime green smells like blooming daisies in the garden
Lime green tastes like sour lemons and limes
Lime green sounds like kids laughing and screaming on a roller coaster ride
Lime green looks like the sun setting on the meadow
Lime green feels like walking on a sandy beach
Lime green makes me eager and enthusiastic
Lime green is the color of fresh green grass.
--written by Rachel

Winter is white
It tastes like an ice cube in a cold freezer
It sounds like snow falling to the ground
It smells like fresh air right after a rainfall
It looks like a fluffy white cloud floating in the sky
It feels soft and open.
--written by Haley

Simplicity is blue
It tastes like melting chocolate
Sweet and soft
It sounds like wind blowing in the night
Strong but calming
It smells like candles
Tranquil and soothing
It looks like morning dew
Topping the grass
It makes me feel peaceful and whole-hearted.
--written by Carly

Pink is the color of juicy watermelon
Pink is the color of ice cold lemonade on a hot summer day
Pink is the color of my favorite blanket
Pink is the color of a newborn piglet
Pink smells like a flower in the summer
Pink tastes like frosting on a cupcake
Pink sounds like laughter by the pool
Pink looks like cotton candy at the state fair
Pink feels like my favorite pair of flip flops
Pink makes me feel like I'm floating on a cloud
Pink is the color of bubble gum.
--written by Olivia H.

Thunderstorms are pitch black
They taste like un-sweetened chocolate
They sounds like a pounding drum
That is in rhythm with my heart
They smell like alertness
They look like a whirlwind of clouds and light
They make me feel small and powerless.
--written by Natalya

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can I just tell you something? You guys worked so hard today! WOW! I was so impressed with your effort in math, and the determination that went into creating beautiful comparison poems. I can hardly wait to post them here. The same goes with science--your observations and questions about your terrariums were so high level. Tomorrow, we will finish designing your gardens and share your results.

Student Council sent me a reminder to tell you all to bring your item for the Craft Fair if you are participating in it. Items are due tomorrow. The service committee will be meeting this Friday at 1:30.

Friday is also a busy day...it is Free Dress Day and we have Mix It Up. We will be eating in our classroom on Friday because we will have music at 12:45. Won't it be exciting to have Mrs. Herzberg back?

Have a great night!

Homework tonight: Read for 20, finish math, choose one poem that we worked on today and spend 10-15 minutes editing it for imagery and structure, Spanish sheet, practice spelling


A few new poems have been added to the poetry post from Sunday. Check them out!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to It

Welcome back from Spring Break! I was so happy to see everyone at school today and to hear about everyone's adventures.

Here are a couple reminders. Any Craft Fair items are due Wednesday. Our businesses will only be open Thursday afternoon from 1:30-3:30. Our Tuesday business day is CANCELED because all classes signed up to buy from us Thursday. All ala carte items cost $.50 instead of $.25. Business plans were handed back today. Students should share them with families and return them to school ASAP so they can go into their portfolios. We will have a spelling test on science words this Friday. We will be working on defining our words together in class.

We had so much fun planting our terrariums today in science. We will be learning about different environments and the many factors each environment provides to specific organisms. Here are a few pictures of our planting. A few were too blurry and dark, so if you don't see yourself in a photo, remind me to take one of you tomorrow with your terrarium.

Here is the direct link to the album

We will be observing our plants as they grow--barley, corn, peas, radishes, and clover. Each group used 1.5 liters of planting soil and 5 of each seed. It was up to the groups how they wanted to plant their seeds and how many mL of water they wanted to use.

Homework: Finish math, practice spelling, read for 20

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Businesses Opening this week!

A few reminders:

Tuesday and Thursday are our selling days. We will be open on Tuesday from 10:30-12:30 and on Thursday from 1:30-3:30. Don't forget to bring any material that you need from home to run your business. I know that many of you worked on your products over the break. I will remind you again tomorrow! I am very excited to see your businesses finally open. I also graded everyone's business plans. You will get them first thing tomorrow morning. Enjoy the last few hours of your break.

San Diego

Here are a few pictures of some fun things I saw and did over my vacation. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.

Your Poems

Hello everyone. I have lots of information for you. I hope you had wonderful Spring Breaks. In a future post, I will show you some pictures from my trip to San Diego. As promised, I have typed up one poem from everyone in our class (those of you who gave me your notebooks) for you to share with your families. They are wonderful. If you don't see your poem here, give me your notebook tomorrow and I will add it here:-)

My Job is Never Done

The sun goes down.
I come up.
Is everyone asleep?
I can't wait until
I can talk with the stars.
I walk slowly around the earth.
I'm so tired.
I go down.
The sun comes up.
Here we go again.
I wish I could stop.
But no

I'm the moon.
--written by Alexandra

trickling from the sky
dancing in the wind
playing with his friends
jumping on the sidewalk
bouncing up and down
the sun has arrived
time to go back up
--written by Rachel

Standing in the desert
While thistle is stinging me
I wish I could move
The only one around here
Swaying around.
--written by Sam

I watch them when they go to bed.
I watch the midnight parties.
I party with them.
Nobody likes me when I party.
Little kids are afraid
Some people are afraid of me
Of the dark.
--written by Marselienna

Waiting for someone to call,
I sit in my place.
I feel lonely when I am not in use.
When someone is done
I hope I am set back nicely.
--written by Olivia J.

A feeling of freedom but not
I want to choose my own destiny
but the wind does it instead
Dancing in the breeze
I tickle the lamp post
As I say hello to the people who pass
The wind stops
I land
Just sitting there so lonely
The wind starts again
People just watch me drift away
As if I am invisible
One piece of me drifting in the wind
I just want to know
Does anyone want to read me?
--written by Haley

I sweep your mind,
I make you feel
Like you're there with me.
My pages
Turn tickled pink when you touch them.
Can't you smell
My binding
The smooth cover that makes me important?
--written by Laura

My Home
resting while waiting for the sun to come up.
i stay as still as can be
moving every once in awhile
wanting to be back in my tree
my home.
--written by Emma

Dry Erase Marker
I want to write and draw across the board
I can run and have total freedom
I can write curvy letters
I will draw and color
The kids will learn from me
If only the teacher will pick me up.
--written by Mady

I fall from heaven,
A crowd around me.
I may look free,
But I'm not.
I twirl on the waves of wind
The waves crash,
And I get covered in white foam.
--written by Natalya

Always being stepped on
Holding everything up
Hoping I won't break
Watch out!
I might
--written by Cole

I am running,
with a friend
through the air
jumping softly
off the bed
to the floor.
I am dancing
with a friend
until we drop,
dizzily on the ground
laughing and giggling.
I am sitting at a friend's tea party
in an elegant dress
sipping invisible tea
from a china cup.
I am laying
on the summer grass
cloud watching
star gazing
I am chasing butterflies
fur whipping
in the crisp air.
I am reading
with a friend
next to tiny legs
I am sleeping
in wide arms
until she wakes up.
--written by Haven

today my friend dances
in the rain
whisper magic love
drank sweet teardrop
dream funny sounds.
--written by Carly

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


AHHHH: Busy night tonight!!!! Just came from Mrs. LaRoue's baby shower. I will post more tomorrow morning from school. Just so you all know...you all are some of the best poets I have EVER met! I brought home notebooks and have been reading your poems to my family ALL night. I am definitely going to post them with your permission. I can't WAIT to see final copies.

Remember to finish math, Spanish HW is due tomorrow, all advertising is due so we can hang signs tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today I was so excited to see our best writing come together to make a really thoughtful poem. The figurative language and imagery were outstanding. I can't wait to read your final bio poems. I thought today was really fun when we took the words from Shel Silverstein's poem, "One Inch Tall" and scrambled them up like Magnetic Poetry to create our own poems. Poetry is just magic! Just wait until we read Shel Silverstein's actual poem tomorrow:-)

Some of you mentioned that you have Magnetic Poetry--if you would like to bring it in to share, please DO. If you have poetry books to share with us, bring those in also.

It looks like you all have a great start on your goods/services production for your businesses. I can't wait to see your finished products and services. Those of you who are offering classes, make sure that you have an outline or plan for what you are going to do.

I have some very exciting news. We raised enough money from the book fair for each teacher to pick out new books for our classroom. Thank you to each family for helping to support our school. I had fun picking out LOTS of new chapter books this afternoon. They are underneath the white board--you are welcome to borrow them to read! Don't you just love opening a brand new book for the first time?

Remember that your Spanish flags are due Thursday, not TOMORROW. If you need to finish math, don't forget to finish your lesson. If you didn't finish your poetry scramble, take NO MORE THAN 10 minutes to finish. Remember...poems can be about anything and have any length. Sometimes two or three great lines makes a fantastic poem! Be creative:-)

Have a great night.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A few things..

Hello. Welcome back after a long weekend! It was so good to meet with each of your families and share the many wonderful things that you are doing at school with them. This is only a quick post tonight because I am off to Stamp Club, but I wanted to remind you of a few things:

Bring all materials to work on your products. We will have 40 minutes of class time tomorrow. This will be our last in class day to work. We will have had a total of 160 minutes of in class work time.

We will be opening our stores for business on March 24 from 10:30--12:30 and March 26 from 1:30-3:30. Parents and families are more than welcome to come and purchase our goods and services.

All advertising needs to be finished by Thursday. You are more than welcome to come before school or stay after to finish so you don't have to take home the tag board. Signs can go up as soon as they are finished. Remember if you are making more signs than you wrote about in your business plan, keep track of those changes. You will need to make a final chart of all costs after you run your business.

I had fun writing poetry with you today. Write in your notebook for NO MORE THAN 10-15 minutes on your poem about you. All poem drafts need to be at school tomorrow:-)

Remind your families that we adjusted the reading time from 210 minutes a week to
20 minutes x 5 nights a week (starting today). Don't forget to fill out your reading calendars each night.

Have a great night.

Homework: finish math, reading, poetry write (10-15min)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day...

Tomorrow is the big day for the assembly. I know it seemed rushed this afternoon, but it will be just fine. Thank you for your patience and help. Your scripts were great! I know the audience will love your creativity. Remember to invite friends and family to come watch you!

Report cards come home tomorrow! You will get them at the end of the day.

Friday is PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE DAY. It is up to you and your family whether or not you attend conferences--either way is fine with me. I can't wait to share the great things I have to say about all of you with your families. I am so proud of all the hard work you have been doing this year. You are a great group of kids.

Don't forget to bring your costumes for the assembly tomorrow if you are dressing up! See you bright and early tomorrow morning. Have a great night.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Square Root Day!

Happy Square Root Day!
Get it?? 3x3=9
**3 Decision Dollars for anyone who can tell me when the next square root day is.**

Check this out!
Math Fans Celebrate Square Root Day

Blueprints and Marshmallow Towers

We are busy, busy, BUSY!

First and foremost--CONGRATS on finishing your business plans. I can't WAIT to look at them all in detail. I am so proud of you for all of your work. They have exceeded my expectations and look SO professional.

We are busy preparing for the all-school assembly. We will be doing a few run throughs tomorrow. We will be leading the entire assembly which should last from 9:10-9:35 on Thursday morning! Families are welcome to attend.

Today I gave the kids a task. They had to work in teams of two using a bag of marshmallows and 250 toothpicks to create a free standing structure with the largest volume. It was fun to see all of the different rectangular arrangements. Plus, it was fun to munch on a few marshmallows as we went along. The largest volume we had was 48 cubic units--way to go Haven and Olivia H.!

We also started turning blueprints into models today. The kids did a fabulous job creating their dream houses. Since we are just getting our feet wet with this whole architecture thing, the kids are working in groups to create smaller models from actual house blueprints that we found on the Internet.

I posted photos from our blueprint time, and building marshmallow models. You can see them here.

Remember that conferences are on Friday. NO SCHOOL for students. I set up a bunch of student work in the hallway. As you pick up your student during the week, and while you are waiting for conferences, I hope you enjoy spending time viewing the work that we are so proud of.

If you didn't bring materials to work on putting together your business product, bring them tomorrow! We will be working on them again. We are aiming to open our businesses the week after Spring Break.

Have a great night!!

Homework: math, 30 minutes of reading

Monday, March 2, 2009

BUSINESS PLANS DUE TOMORROW!! I can't wait to see your hard work.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Pass the word!!

Spread the word....

March 2 (tomorrow) is Read Across America Day!
Bring pillows, blankets, a favorite stuffed animal, a healthy snack and a pile of books to spend the afternoon reading.

We will also spend time with K-1 reading books to them:-)

Tell your friends in our room!!!