When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Line Dancing Machines!

The best part of my day was teaching the kids the Electric Slide line dance. Since Mrs. Lisa was not here today, I took over the role of gym teacher from 11:30-12:15 today. The kids are in the midst of a dance unit--so far they have been swing dancing and working on the Charleston. Today we learned that the Electric Slide has 22 steps and it takes 88 steps for us to return to the position we started in. The kids not only perfected their "slide" moves, but they helped teach the 3rd graders the steps. I am also proud to announce the 4th-6th graders will be performing their dance at the all school assembly tomorrow. If you want to witness this big event, you are most certainly welcome to attend. The assembly is at 9:15 tomorrow in the cafeteria. I took several pictures which I will post tomorrow ( I left my camera at school).

Students also got together with their book club groups to put together a reading contract. Book clubs will start on Tuesday and will continue through February 5. I am looking for volunteers to help lead a book club. The time commitment is: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30-2:15. You will get a book and activities beforehand :-)

Please mark your calendars--book projects are due February 12. I will be handing out project requirements early next week.

Brr--it's cold out. By the way, did you know that Fairbanks, Alaska is experiencing highs of 53 below zero. Compared to that part of the world, we are having beach weather:-)


Anonymous said...

line dancing is sooooooooooooooo fun i keep randommly doing prts of the dance as i am walking around my house

Joanna said...

I am so glad you like line dancing. I am going to try and bring in some new songs for us to try tomorrow even though we don't have gym...some new songs to electric slide to, and another song called the cha cha slide.

Anonymous said...

beach weather??! wow. this is like NOT beach weather!

carly, ya same here!