When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Update! Finally!

Hello all:

I have gotten lots of emails so I thought I would take time to say hi to you all here. I am doing very well. I know that those of you who are at FPA are having a tremendous year with your new classmates and the wonderful Mrs. Chang as your teacher. I also know that those of you in new schools are having great years meeting new friends and getting to know new teachers. Someone sent me a link to your new blog, and I am always excited to read the posts and keep up with what you are doing.

I am still job searching. Growing up, I had two interests--one as a teacher and one as a person who helps teach business owners things about diversity and how to get along with others--isn't that interesting that even adults need reminders sometimes? I decided that I wanted to hang up my teaching hat for a little while and try something new. I don't know what career I will end up choosing, but I am lucky that I get the opportunity to decide that for myself.

Aaron and I got a puppy this summer--her name is Lucy. She is 3 months old. She is a Brittany spaniel. She has been lots of fun to take care of. We like to go on lots of walks. She loves to jump in the leaves and chase squirrels. I will post a link to my own online photo albums and you can see what I have been up to.

The actual website is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jetshokin/

There are pictures of Lucy, and pictures of my trip to Africa. We had so much fun in Africa seeing lots of animals that I am only used to seeing in zoos!

Keep sending me emails--keep leaving comments on the blog, because I do see them and read them all. I hope I will be able to stop in sometime and see you. I might come and visit the Halloween party on the 31st. What are you all going to be for Halloween??

I will try and keep you all updated on my life here, so continue to check back. I miss you all so much. Thanks for thinking of me. Continue to be the shining stars you are:-)

Love, Mrs. E.